Psychology Approaches - Behaviourism 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyApproachesA2/A-levelAQA Created by: JessievarneyCreated on: 11-04-22 13:36 The gradual weaning of a conditioned response Extinction 1 of 7 The reappearance of a previously extinct conditioned response. Spontaneous recovery 2 of 7 The type of conditioning which is learnt through association Classical 3 of 7 The type of conditioning which is learnt through reinforcement and punishment Operant 4 of 7 Who studied dogs with classical conditioning? Pavlov 5 of 7 What has classical conditioning led to the development of? Treatments 6 of 7 What was the experiment for operant conditioning called? Skinners box 7 of 7
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