Psychological Issues Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyIssuesA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Joseph_WellisCreated on: 13-09-17 20:21 This is when the sample used reflects those whose behaviour we want to explain Population Validity 1 of 14 This is when research can prevent negative actions Usefulness 2 of 14 This is when research is controlled, Falsyfiable, Objective, Collects Quantitative data Scientific 3 of 14 Research that can be used to limit the behaviour of others is said to have problems with this issue Social Control 4 of 14 This is when we can choose our course of action Free Will 5 of 14 This is when the research produces consistent results Reliability 6 of 14 These are variables that are kept constant Controls 7 of 14 This is when a piece of research has a realistic task and setting Ecological Validity 8 of 14 This is when the research tests the intended DV, due too controls Validity 9 of 14 These are factors that need to be considered before research can take place Ethical Issues 10 of 14 This is done at the end of a piece of research Debrief 11 of 14 This is explaining behaviour as being due to the environment Nurture 12 of 14 This is when we use numbers instead of names Confidentiality 13 of 14 This is when we focus on only one explanation for behaviour Reductionist 14 of 14
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