Give the definition of PTSD according to the DSM-5
Triggered by exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury or sexual violation, causes significant distress or impairment in individuals social interactions, capacity to work or other areas
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What is re-experiencing?
Where a person involuntarily and vividly re-lives the traumatic event in the form of flashbacks, nightmares, images or physical sensations
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What is avoidance?
Avoidance of being reminded of the traumatic event
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What is negative cognitions?
Other mental health problems like depression, anxiety or phobia
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What is arousal?
Difficulty to relax and anxiety, hyperarousal leads to irritability, angry outbursts, insomnia and concentration difficulty
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Which part of the brain is activated in PTSD patients as a result of fearful faces?
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Which part of the brain is impaired in PTSD?
vmPFC (inhibits emotional states)
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What do the PFC and amygdala prove together?
A negative correlation between activity in amygdala and PFC (exaggerated amygdala and diminished PFC)
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Which part of the brain is more responsive to unconditioned aversive stimuli in PTSD
Putamen-amygdala, anterior insula
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Which hormone that is linked to stress is reduced in PTSD?
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Which process leads to enhanced memory of PTSD?
Physiological dysregulation
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Enhanced noradrenaline means...
Better potentiation of traumatic memories
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A beta-blocker like propanolol can treat PTSD how?
It blocks noradrenaline and prevents traumatic memories from being strengthened
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Which type of adrenergic stimulation results in reconsolidation of fear memories?
Post-retrieval b-adrenergic stimulation
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is re-experiencing?
Where a person involuntarily and vividly re-lives the traumatic event in the form of flashbacks, nightmares, images or physical sensations
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