22 boys from Oklahoma aged 11, split into 2 groups and matched on IQ sporting ability and teacher rated behaviour. stage 1 = groups kept sperate to form group norms, they created group names. stage 2 = a week later they competed in tournaments like tug of
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describe pavlovs study
35 different breeds of dogs raised in lab conditions, all had a tube attached to salivary glands and kept in an isolated, sound-proofed room and restrained in a harness. be4 learning the pairing of food and metronome caused salivation, after learning the
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describe watson an rayners study
studied a 9 month old who was raised in a hospital environment and reported to be stolid + unemotional. 1= pairing of rat and noise 2x 2= a week later pairing of rat and noise 5x 3= 5 days later tested on response to rat and other objects like blocks. 4=
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describe bandura 1961 study
72 children aged 3-6 from standford uni nursery. experienced either non agg, agg, control role model. 1= watched the role model playing with toys in a certain way depending on condition. 2= children shown a room of desirable toys and told they were for ot
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describe bandura 1963 study
96 children experienced either:
1. real life human aggression
2. filmed human aggression
3. cartoon character aggression
4. control
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describe bandura 1965 study
66 children experienced either:
1. model rewarded
2. model punished
3. control
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describe baddeleys study
72 people from the applied psychology research panel in Cambridge, list A= acoustically similar B= acoustically dissimilar C= semantically similar D= semantically dissimilar. 4 trials of the same list and the words were shown on a slide projector, one eve
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describe sebastian hernadez gill study
570 kids from schools in madrid, tested individually they were read increasing sequences of digits, one per second and the max number of digits recalled in the correct order was recorded. secondary data included 25 healthy adults, 25 alzheimers and 9 FTD
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describe social identity theory
social categorisation: separating into us and them
identification: adopt the identity of the group and social norms, self-esteem becomes tied to the group
social comparison: emphasise own groups highlights and other groups short comings
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describe multi store model of memory
sensory register: 10 items, 2 seconds, modality specific
short term: 5-9 items, 15-30 seconds, auditory
long term: unlimited, semantic
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describe synaptic transmission
1. change in the charge of a neurone releases and electrical impulse
2. when it reaches terminal end buttons its converted to a chemical message
3. neurotransmitters are released from vesicles and into the synapse
4. they are either absorbed, reabsorbed o
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Card 2
describe pavlovs study
35 different breeds of dogs raised in lab conditions, all had a tube attached to salivary glands and kept in an isolated, sound-proofed room and restrained in a harness. be4 learning the pairing of food and metronome caused salivation, after learning the
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