PSYB3 Substance Abuse
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- Created by: Jayne Chapman
- Created on: 08-06-15 15:47
Personality factors - Flory et al
Extroverted personality types can explain substance abuse. Individual will be outgoing, easily bored and social
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Personality factors - McAdams
Low conscientiousness is associated with substance abuse. Individual will be unreliable, disorganised and careless.
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Personality factors - Antisocial personality disorder
some links but cannot establish cause and effect. Abuse rate is higher than APD rate
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Social Factors - social selection
Rowntree - young people actively choose to be in sub culture associated with substances
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Social Factors - Peer Influence
Individual may feel pressured to maintian or further social status by engaging in substance abuse. Form of social conformity vary depending on self esteem.
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Social Factors - Gardner and Stein
longitudinal study recording forms of peer pressure in 18yo's life. Found encouragement is main peer influence.
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Social Factors - Observation
SLT main explnation. If observer sees model being rewarded for engaging in substance abuse they will likely recreate
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Bio Factors - Adoption studies
Goldstein - adoptees who abuse alcohol typically had biological parents who abused alochol. supported by peters and preedy study.
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Bio Factors - Genetics
Melo - bred alcohol inclined mice with other alcohol inclined mice and their offspring showed signs of alcoholism
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Bio Factors - Twin studies
kaij - found alcohol abuse concordance rates were 58% for monozygotic and 28% dizyogotic twins
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Bio Factors - Gene Mapping
recent research, still no link between specific gene and substance abuse
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Solvent Abuse info
Widely used everyday products. Most common in teenagers. Creates feelings similar to alcohol.
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Tobacco/Nicotine info
Mild stimulant, absorbed into blood quickly, highly addivctive.
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Alcohol info
Form of relaxation, creates physical and psychological dependence. Most commonly used drug
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Alcohol - Winger Withdrawal stage 1
sweating, shaking, anxeity and nausea
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Alcohol - Winger withdrawal stage 2
seizures and convusions
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Alcohol - Winger withdrawal stage 3
hallucinations and fevers
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Stimulants effects
arouses physiological senses, results in feelings of euphoria
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Stimulant examples
anphetamines, MDMA, Cocain, Alkyl Nitrates
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Depressants effects
slows activity of central nervous system
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Depressant examples
heroin (opiates), ketamine (tranquiliser), bensodiazepines (sleeping tablets)
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Depressants study - Bourne
veitnam soldiers engaging in heroin abuse MOST were able to stop taking the drug post war when immediate stress was absent
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Forms of Self Management
self help groups and community based programmes
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Forms of aversion therapy
rapid smoking (drag on cigarette every 6 seconds) , sensation therapy (thinking of unpleasant things while using substance), contingency training (rewarding cocain abusers when uring sample was clear)
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Social Innoculation definition
programmes designed to change peoples attitudes and make individuals more resiliant to persuasion
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Social Innoculation - Flay et al
4 key parts to innoculation. 1) knowledge (giving facts about health/social/economic consequenses) 2) Discussion of effects 3) skills (argument) development 4) public committment
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Fear Arousal key content
who the message is from, what the message says and what audience the ad is aimed at
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Fear arousal ad by celebrity
creates more trust in message
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fear arousal audience factors
high self esteem audience may become ego-defensive if message is too threatening (baumeister et al) this would reinforce the indivduals behaviour even further.
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Fear arousal - Janis et Al
found that high fear arousal lecture provoked more anxeity but least chance. Low fear arousal lecture provoked more change
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Risk groups - Cultural Factors
some ethinc groups are more likely to engage in substance abuse than others
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Risk groups - Psychosical factors
looks at employment, family relations, support level, housing situation ect
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Risk groups - Biological Factors
looks at families history with substances
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RIsk groups - Drummond
50% of people identified with having an abuse problem at an A&E showed up to a help group the following day
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health promotion factors
1) interpersonal factors (social factors) 2) individual factors (habits) 3) community factors (comminuty morals)
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health promotion form 1
information giving
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health promition form 2
information to motivate
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health promoition form 3
motivational interviewing - one to one talks about motives
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health promition form 3
behavioural techniques - changing unhealthy behaviours
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Prochaska Model
precontemplation---contemplation---preparation---action(1+ day)---(possble repeat)---maintenence (6+ months)---termination
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Low conscientiousness is associated with substance abuse. Individual will be unreliable, disorganised and careless.
Personality factors - McAdams
Card 3
some links but cannot establish cause and effect. Abuse rate is higher than APD rate

Card 4
Rowntree - young people actively choose to be in sub culture associated with substances

Card 5
Individual may feel pressured to maintian or further social status by engaging in substance abuse. Form of social conformity vary depending on self esteem.

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