Name 3 Key studies for the formation of relationships.
Geher et al, Aron et al and Rosenbaum
1 of 7
Describe equity theory.
Equity theory is based on social exchange theory and suggests that we have a ratio of inputs and outputs in a relationship. Therefore, we need to keep our inputs and outputs at a balanced level to feel the relationship is equitable (fair).
2 of 7
Describe a practical application for the breakdown of relationships theory.
Cina et al conducted a study with 50 couples using CCET therapy (makes couples aware of the stages of breakdown) and found that it improved the marriage of 2/3rds.
3 of 7
Describe the differences of males and females in sexual selection
Males are more likely to favour short-term mating (to maximise reproduction opportunities) supported by Buss et al. Females are more likely to want long-term mating (to help raise children).
4 of 7
Name 4 studies which could be used for parental selection
Geher et al (Sex differences in coping), Anderson (step-dads = dad investment), Baker+Bellis (13% children are extra-marital), Day+Wilson (risks of cheating show high investment from females)
5 of 7
Name the three factors in childhood which may affect adult relationships.
Name the studies for romantic relationships and culture essay
Myers, Epstein(arranged = good), Xaiote+Whyte (Chengdu region + fewer arranged marriages), Pinker+Fischer, Indian divorce rates
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Describe equity theory.
Equity theory is based on social exchange theory and suggests that we have a ratio of inputs and outputs in a relationship. Therefore, we need to keep our inputs and outputs at a balanced level to feel the relationship is equitable (fair).
Card 3
Describe a practical application for the breakdown of relationships theory.
Card 4
Describe the differences of males and females in sexual selection
Card 5
Name 4 studies which could be used for parental selection
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