PS2002 Cognition
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- Created by: chinese_violet
- Created on: 04-05-20 11:49
The Dual Route Cascaded Model is described as,
Two of the above
1 of 71
Which is not a process level involved in speech production?
Conceptual level
2 of 71
Symptoms of Broca's aphasia include
Poor ability to produce syntactically correct sentences, slow non-fluent speech
3 of 71
Which best describes the central executive
Processes that organise and co-ordinate the functioning of the cognitive system to fulfil current goals, an attentional system
4 of 71
Which does not describe the visual spatial sketchpad
Plays an important tole in use/understanding of language
5 of 71
Which does not describe the phonological loop
Consists of phonological control system and articulatory circuit
6 of 71
What can we learn through the dual task paradigm
Visuo-spatial sketchpad and phonological loop function independently
7 of 71
Which is not an executive process
Manipulation of visual patterns and movements
8 of 71
Unity/Diversity framework by Miyake & Friedman (2012) is not
The central executive is a unitary process
9 of 71
Which is false about the episodic buffer
It is separate from the long term memory
10 of 71
___________ provides temporary storage for integrated information coming from the visuo-spatial sketchpad and phonological loop
Episodic buffer
11 of 71
Phonological loop consists of two components: ________ and __________
phonological store; articulatory control system
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According to Miyake & Friedman (2012)
Each executive function consists of what is common to all three executive functions plus what is unique to that function
13 of 71
Which statement does not describe autobiographical memory?
Concerned with events occurring at a given time in a specific place
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_________ is concerned with memory for events of one's life
Autobiographical memory
15 of 71
___________ is concerned with events ocurring at a given time in a specific place, often relates to trivial events and extends back only for minutes or hours
Episodic memory
16 of 71
Infantile amnesia is not
A rare disorder
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The tendency of older people to recall a disproportionate number of autobiographical memories from early childhood is known as
Reminiscence bump
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Factors in development of autobiographical memories do not include
Maintenece of social bonds
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Social-cultural developmental theory by Fivush & Nelson (2004) states that
Two answers are correct
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Conway & Pleydell-Pearce (2000) are the authors of
The Self-Memory System
21 of 71
Two major components ot the Self-Memory System are
autobiographical memory knowledge base; working self
22 of 71
According to Conway and Pleydell-Pearce, _________ contains personal information at different levels of specificity (lifetime period, general events, event-specific knowledge)
Autobiographical memory knowledge base
23 of 71
What is is not a component of the working self?
Lifetime periods
24 of 71
What are the mothods of retrieving autobiographical memories?
generative retrieval and direct retrieval
25 of 71
Which statement does not characterise generative retrieval?
Involuntary, spontaneous, triggered by a specific cue
26 of 71
Using _____________ to access autobiographical memories is more effortful than ____________
generative retrieval, direct retrieval
27 of 71
Which list correctly names processes involved in autobiographical memory retrieval?
Search and control, self-referential processes, recollection, emotional processing, visual imagery, feeling of rightness
28 of 71
Enlargement of which brain area is associated with the hyperthymestic syndorme?
caudate nucleus
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The ability to recall detailed information about almost every day of one's life over a long time period is known as
hyperthymestic syndrome
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Autobiographical memory recall in depressed indovidual is often characterised as
31 of 71
Autobiographical memories for important, dramatic and unique public events, that activate a special neural mechanism that encodes details of the event in the memory system is also known as
flashbulb memory
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According to Miyake et al. (2000), the three processes involved in functioning of the central executive are
inhibition, shifting function, updating information
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Which statment is not related to the neurogenic hypothesis by Josselyn & Frankland (2012)?
Mother's reminiscing style and how they talk to children is important in the development of autobiographical memory
34 of 71
Which statement does not describe mental imagery?
patterns of neural activation capture spatial structure of object imposed on the retina
35 of 71
Why is imagery not confused with perception?
all answers are correct
36 of 71
What is the key difference in the use of imagery between children and adults?
adults are less likely to rely on imagery as their LTM is more developed
37 of 71
There are two attention systems/networks: _________ (goal-directed) and __________ (stimulus-directed).
endogenous, exogenous
38 of 71
What is focused attention?
focusing resources on one type of stimulus input while ignoring other stimuli presented at the same time
39 of 71
Which factor does not influence dual task performance?
mental chronometry
40 of 71
According to Kravitz & Behrmann (2011)
space-, object- and feature-based attention interact with each other
41 of 71
What was Donder's (1868) main idea?
difference between simple and choice reaction time reveals how long it takes to make a response
42 of 71
What are the stages is Marr's theory of object recognition?
1. grey level (input image), 2. raw primal sketch, 3. 2.5D sketch, 4. 3D model representation
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Which statement is false about the raw primal sketch?
object centered
44 of 71
What do Marr's and Biedermann's theories have in common?
emphasis bottom-up processing
45 of 71
According to Biedermann, how many geons are there?
46 of 71
What is the key assumption of the newer theories of object recognition?
Viewpoint dependent and viewpoint invariant information are used cooperatively to produce object recognition
47 of 71
_______ are equally rapid irrespective of viewing angle, used for categorisation, found for familiar objects but not novel objects
viewer invariant processes
48 of 71
Viewpoint dependent processes
all answers are correct
49 of 71
Patient RF can see parts of objects but cannot make any sense out of them. When presented name of the object verbally, he has no problem with describing the apereance and function of this object. What is he suffering from?
integrative agnosia
50 of 71
What is the encoding specificity principle?
the notion that retrieval depends on the overlap between the information avaliable at retrieval and the information in the memory trace
51 of 71
________ can be studies with item method and list method
directed forgetting
52 of 71
Which statement is not true about the confirmation bias?
eyewitness memory can be distorted by misleading information presented after a crime or event
53 of 71
Who is the key figure in the study of spatial cognition?
54 of 71
Totoro is in the field, 50m south of the gate - what type of information is this?
55 of 71
Totoro is in the field - what type of information is this?
56 of 71
Infants are born with ________, but develop _______ as a frame of reference.
egocentric coding, allocentric coding
57 of 71
Infants are born with ________, but develop ________ and also the use of __________
categorical coding, metric coding, dead reckoning
58 of 71
What is an evidence for allocentric coding in children?
use of landmark as a cue to object location
59 of 71
What factors influence the development od spatial cognition?
there are two correct answers
60 of 71
________ develops until age of 6 and _________ continues until at least age 11.
allocentric coding, categorical coding
61 of 71
Map task performance is an evidence that
older children are more resilient is using conflicting cues and can transfer information from one spatial context to another
62 of 71
What is a naming task?
a task requiring individuals to pronounce along visually presented words as rapidly as possible
63 of 71
According to the Weak Phonological Model
phonological processing of visual words is relatively slow and inessential for word identification
64 of 71
Which model accounts for word recognition?
interactive activation model
65 of 71
Which statement is false?
information from the page is not extracted from fixations, only during saccades
66 of 71
What is not involved in speech production
67 of 71
Broca's aphasia involves _____, whereas Wernicke's aphasia involves ________
inferior frontal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus
68 of 71
Severe difficulties in production of lanuage are also known as
Broca's aphasia
69 of 71
Condition caused by brain damage in which there is an impaired ability to name objects is also known as
70 of 71
According to Gestalt psychologists, what is the main way of solving problems?
71 of 71
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which is not a process level involved in speech production?
Conceptual level
Card 3
Symptoms of Broca's aphasia include

Card 4
Which best describes the central executive

Card 5
Which does not describe the visual spatial sketchpad

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