What makes eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells similar?
They have a plasma membrane; cytoplasm; ribosomes for assembling proteins; DNA and RNA
1 of 15
Which are bigger: eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells?
Eukaryotic cells are much bigger than prokaryotic cells.
2 of 15
Compare the cytoskeleton of prokaryotic cells to that of eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cell cytoskeletons are far less well-developed and do not have centrioles.
3 of 15
Which of these membrane-bound organelles are absent from prokaryotic cells: Nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic recticulum, chloroplasts or Golgi apparatus?
All of them - prokaryotic cells do not have membrane-bound organelles.
4 of 15
What are the cell walls of prokaryotic cells made out of?
peptidoglycan and NOT cellulose.
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Prokaryotic cell ribosomes are s______ than that of eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cell ribosomes are SMALLER than that of eukaryotic cells.
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Prokaryotic cells have naked DNA, what does this mean?
DNA that is not wound around histone proteins but floats free in the cytoplasm as a loop (so not linear chromosomes)
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Some prokaryotic cells have ...
a waxy capsule, plasmids, flagella and pili.
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What is the waxy capsule?
A protective waxy capsule that surrounds their cell wall.
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What are plasmids?
They are small loops of DNA other than the main large loop.
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What are flagella?
Long, whip-like projections that allow prokaryotic cells to move. They have a different structure to the undulipodia or eukaryotic cells.
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What are pili?
Small, hair-like projections that allow bacteria to adhere to host cells or to each other. They allow the passage of plasmid DNA from one cell to another.
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How do prokaryotic cells divide? Do they divide by mitosis?
NO! They do not divide by mitosis because they don't have linear chromosomes. They divide by binary fission. Before the cell divides, the large loop of DNA and any plasmids are copied, though.
13 of 15
Not all microorganisms are prokaryotes, give an example of microorganism that is and prokaryote and one that isn't.
Bacteria ARE prokaryotes. Yeast and amoebae are NOT prokaryotes, they have eukaryotic cells.
14 of 15
Viruses are microscopic but they do NOT have _____.
Viruses are microscopic but they do NOT have CELLS.
15 of 15
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which are bigger: eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells?
Eukaryotic cells are much bigger than prokaryotic cells.
Card 3
Compare the cytoskeleton of prokaryotic cells to that of eukaryotic cells.
Card 4
Which of these membrane-bound organelles are absent from prokaryotic cells: Nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic recticulum, chloroplasts or Golgi apparatus?
Card 5
What are the cell walls of prokaryotic cells made out of?
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