Problems Edwards faced, government and succession, faction
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- Created by: Isabelle6447
- Created on: 12-02-22 10:14
Significant problems Edwards faced
1 of 91
Why could he nit rule in his own right?
He was Only 9
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Why were court factions a problems a problem ?
Challenging each other for the reins of government
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What was at court and nationwide?
Religious differences
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How much debt did his father leave him in ?
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Name 3 economic problems
coinage was debases, inflation rising, incomes falling
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Thus, What was there an increased risk of ?
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What source of income was lost?
Selling monastic land (henry sold most of it 2/3)
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Whats a 'mid Tudor Crisis' ?
Edward and Marys reign because of economic pressure, weak rulers, government in immediate danger and a series of rebellions and religious upheavals
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When did Edward contract measles and smallpox?
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What did Edward die of ?
Tuberculosis/ a chronic chest infection
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Name 3 chacteristics of Edward?
Clever, series, wasn't sickly
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Government and succession
Problems with faction rivalry
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Whats the conservative factions main aim?
no further religious reforms/the return to traditional catholic worship
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Name 5 people within the Conservative faction?
Duke of Norfolk, Stephan Gardiner (Bishop of Winchester), Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Surrey (son of the duke of Norfolk) Mary Tudor
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What were the associated with passing in 1539?
The Act of 6 articles
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Who's fall were they associated with 1540?
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Who's marriage were they involved in?
Catherine Howards 1540
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Who did they plot against 1543?
Thomas Cramner
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When did they plot against Catherine Parr?
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What was the reforms faction main aim ?
Support further and more radical reforms to the church
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name 4 people in the reform faction ?
Edward Seymour (Earl of Hertford/Duke of Somerset), Archbishop Cramner, Antony Denny, Catherine Parr
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What foreign policy success success were the reform faction involved in?
Scotland 1542
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Whose fall were they involved in 1542?
Catherine Howard
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Whose marriage were they involved in ?
Marriage to Catherine Parr
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when did they plot against Gardiner?
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Whose arrest were they involved in?
Norfolk 1546
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What was Catherine Howard beheaded for 1541?
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What did this mean for the reform faction?
There influence was very much reduced
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When did Sir Anthony Denny become Cheif Gentleman of the Privy Chamber?
Oct 1546
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What could he thus decide?
Who visited the King
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Who was Denny's close ally?
Earl of Hertford, (somerset)
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Denny had control over the dry stamp, what did the dry stamp do?
Authorize Offical documents
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From 1546 onwards what happened to the Dry stamp?
there was increased use of the dry stamp and it allowed Denny to use it without the king's knowledge and approval
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Why did Henry alter his will in mid-December 1546?
To remove any rewards to the disgraced Howard family
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When did Henry amend his will to leave the line of succession as Edward, Mary and Elizabeth?
26th December 1546
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What did Henry plan to rule until Edward was 16?
for a balanced regency council of 16 members
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Why was Henry's death kept a secret for 2 days?
so the plans for regency could be decided
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What did the Dry stamp enable?
to sign a new version of the Kings will to strengthen the power given to Edwards regency council
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How many clauses did they add to the Will ?
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What did the first clause give the council?
Full power and authority
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What did the other cause do?
Gave the council the power to award 'gifts' but, had been unable to do so before Henry's death
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What did these changes to the will enable seymour to do ?
name himself lord protector and seize powers
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What title did Earl Hertford (Seymour) give himself?
Duke of Somerset
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Key advisers
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Edward Seymour
Earl of Hertford, Duke of Somerset, Lord protector, Edwards Uncle
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Why did he execute his brother Thoams Seymour?
Was plotting against him
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When did he become the leader of the reform faction?
In the 1540s under Henry VIII reign
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When was Somerset removed from power?
49 of 91
John Dudley (Duke of Northumberland)
Vicount lisle, Earl of Warwick,
50 of 91
When Dudley become lord Great Chamberlain?
51 of 91
When did Northumberland become the president of the Regency Council?
52 of 91
Who was the son of?
Edmund Dudley ( Council learned in the La =e, executed 1509)
53 of 91
Who did he serve as 1537-47?
Lord Admiral
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What was he apart of 1544?
The campaigns in Scotland and France
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When did he begin to close to Henry VIII?
At the end of his reign
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What faction was he originally a part of ?
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Why and who did he plot with to remove reformers?
With the conservatives including Wriothesley
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Once in control of the regency council who and how did Northumberland betray?
The Conservatives did it by removing them from their positions
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Thomas Cramner
Archibishop of Canterbury 1533-1555
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what plot did he supprot?
The LJG plot
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When was he imprisoned by Mary ?
62 of 91
When was he executed?
63 of 91
William Paget
64 of 91
What was Paget's religious views ?
65 of 91
What could Paget be considered as ?
A 'new man'
66 of 91
Who did he work closely with despite disagreeing with his policies?
67 of 91
What happened to him after somerset's fall?
Lose government posts
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However, when was he pardoned?
69 of 91
When was he appointed to Mary's Privy Council?
70 of 91
Factionalism (a timeline that is on worksheet 5)
Rivery between Somerset and Northumberland
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When did Edward Seymour declare himself as Lord protector?
Jan 1547
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What was Somerset's style of rule ?
He ruled mostly by himself with support of the reform faction
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Who did he control the privy chamber through?
Michael Stanhope
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why did Somerset make many enemies?
His arrogant and dictatorial style of government
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What 2 individuals unsuccessfully plotted against Somerset showing his unpopularity?
Thomas Seymour and Earl of Southampton (Thomas Wriothesely)
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Who one was executed and which one was readmitted to the Privy Council?
Thomas Seymour was executed (March 1549), Wriothesey readmitted
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When was the Fall of Somerset?
Oct 1549
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What seriously weakened Somerset?
The popular rebellions in 1549
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What group plotted against Somerset?
Dudely, Wriothesley and conservative noblemen
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What happened to Somerset after this?
He Fled to London with Edward VI
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Why was Somerset forced to surrender in October 1549?
Edward made it clear he wouldn't support him
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Somerset was arrested, what happened to him after?
He was returned to the Council ( but no longer in charge)
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When was he returned to the Council?
April 1550
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Who was promoted to Lord President feb 1550?
John Dudley (Northumberland)
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Who did Northumberland remove form the council ?
Wriothelesy and other conservatives
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When was John Dudley awarded the title for the Duke of Northumberland?
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Show ways in which Northumberland developed a close relationship with Edward?
Involving him more in government and inviting him to council meetings
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When was Somerset arrested again for accusing to polt to regain power?
October 1551
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When was Somerset executed?
Jan 1552
90 of 91
Thus, who was firmly in control of governement?
91 of 91
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why could he nit rule in his own right?
He was Only 9
Card 3
Why were court factions a problems a problem ?
Card 4
What was at court and nationwide?
Card 5
How much debt did his father leave him in ?
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