An unforeseen event leading to loss either injury or damage to property
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What is an Incident?
An unforeseen event not leading to a loss or injury
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5 headings to get to the underlying cause of an accident?
Why was their a loss, Why was there an incident, Why was there an immediate cause, Why was there underlying causes, Why was there a lack of management control.
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3 influences that affect peoples behaviour?
Personal factors -Individual attitudes/behaviour, Job factors - fitting people around the job, pressure, Organisational - often overlooked, need to develop a H and S culture, becomes a habit
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What is H and S culture?
Committment from the top, Good policy, line management responsilbilty, Realistic targets, Good training in subject for the job, Safe behaviour, standards monitored - Audits, Inspections, etc
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Main purpose of reporting accidents/incidents
gather facts, identify immediate and underlying causes, take action to prevent occuring again
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How can a manager help to install a good H and S culture?
investigate promptly, involved in investigations, not condoning unsafe practices, consulting/involving staff, provide resourses, set good example, demonstrate it is important to them
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What gets reported ot RIDDOR?
responsible person reports on behalf of the employer - Fatalities, reported immediately on phone or email and form F2508, Reportable specified injuries, dangerous occurances.over 7 day injury reported ithin 15 days on F2508
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Accident Analysis?
sorted by age,dept, trade, cause. categories - falls from height, slips/tripsstruck by object/vehicle, manual handling,harmful substances, machinery, fire, electricity,
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Safety Monitoring?
Audits- External, symptoms/procedures,annual, Survey - in depth survey on one area that needs improvement, Inspection - frequent, local, concerned with technical details,tour - Unscheduled spot check, sampling - tour of area counting defects
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