Pregnancy 0.0 / 5 ? Home Economics: Child DevelopmentGCSEAQA Created by: Chloe BenstedCreated on: 25-04-13 18:10 A strong muscle that expands during pregnancy to contain the growing baby uterus 1 of 9 This develops alongside the baby throughout pregnancy, providing vital hormones and nutrients and dealing with waste products placenta 2 of 9 When the fertilised cells have attatched themselves to the wall of the uterus implantation 3 of 9 The term used to describe a baby from implantation to 8 weeks of the pregnancy embryo 4 of 9 A liquid contained in the amnioitc sac in which the baby floats amniotic fluid 5 of 9 A bag which cocoons the baby during pregnancy amniotic sac 6 of 9 The baby's lifeline, it passes nutrients and blood from the mother to the baby and takes away the baby's body waste umbilical cord 7 of 9 The neck of the uterus cervix 8 of 9 The term used to describe a baby from 8 weeks of pregnancy foetus 9 of 9
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