the teacher makes all the decisions, no input from the learner, no alternatives considered
1 of 22
Reciprical Learning
learners in pairs, performer and observer. Observer gives feedback to the performer. Teacher in control still.
2 of 22
Discovery Learning
teacher sets the problem but the learner finds the solution either with help from the teacher or on their own
3 of 22
Problem-Solving Approach
teacher sets a problem and the learner finds a solution dependent upon their own qualities
4 of 22
Whole Practice Method
the complete skill is practised without any attempt to break it down into sub-routines
5 of 22
Progressive Part
a method of practice where a skill is broken down into parts, each part learnt and then linked in and practised as a sequence
6 of 22
skill is performed as a whole then broken into parts, a part is practised, then the skill is practised as a whole again
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Distributed Practice
when the time available is broken down into smaller time blocks, with rest periods
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Massed Practice
when the performer practises for the whole of the time available, with no breaks
9 of 22
Mental Practice
the mental or cognitive rehearsal of a movement or skill, with no actual physical movement taking place
10 of 22
Verbal Guidance
the use of speech to describe the desired movement or to use key words to cue the learner's attention
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Mechanical/Manual Guidance
the production of the correct movement by the use of mechanical aids or by the support of the coach
12 of 22
any information received by the learner as a result of a movement
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Intrinsic Feedback
information about movement that comes from the proprioceptors within the body. Internal feedback
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Kinaesthesis Feedback
a term for information that is received from the sense organs within the muscles, tendons and ligaments that give the body information about body position and movement
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Terminal Feedback
information about the performance received after the completion of the movement
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Delayed Feedback
terminal feedback that is given some time after the event
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Concurrent Feedback
information about the performance that is received during the movement, can be intrinsic or extrinsic
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Positive Feedback
praise and acknowledgement of a correct or successful action
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Negative Feeback
external information about how a movement was incorrect or could have been better, critical comments
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Knowledge of Results (KR)
feedback in the form of information about how successful the movement was in accomplishing the task
21 of 22
Knowledge of Performance (KP)
information given as feedback as to how well the movement was performed, regardless of the end result
22 of 22
Other cards in this set
Card 2
learners in pairs, performer and observer. Observer gives feedback to the performer. Teacher in control still.
Reciprical Learning
Card 3
teacher sets the problem but the learner finds the solution either with help from the teacher or on their own
Card 4
teacher sets a problem and the learner finds a solution dependent upon their own qualities
Card 5
the complete skill is practised without any attempt to break it down into sub-routines
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