
When did the Postmodern peroid begin?
The 1980's onwards
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What changes in structure of society defines Postmodernism?
Less making in factories, more tech and info proccessing, social change rapid, social class and ext family dissapearing
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What makes up Postmodern culture?
Cultural symbols and images, brands build identity, no single fashion commitement, wide diversity of lifestyles, more choice, less tradition
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What are the three features of postmodern identity?
One person has multiple social idenitites, these are based on choice, these identities are unstable and fragile
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Which Postmodernist comments on identity?
Hobsbawm - "Identities more like shirts we choose than skins we are born with"
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How do Postmodernists believe we should study society?
Reject over-generalised grand narratives (huge theories), focus on individual cases, small scale research, look at how culture and identity overlap, how people make creative use of lives in own projects
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What is Late Modernity?
A variation of Postmodernism that believes postmodernism over-stated the social changes, they accept the breaking down of traditional values but say strong links still exist with previous societies
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Which Postmodernist notes how lifestyles suit individuals?
Giddens - More choice over identity and lifestyle to suit need, not bound by family or roles, new family types
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What are the two main criticisms of Postmodernism?
Social class is still important (consumption relies on income, from class), Choices still influenced by gender, ethnicity, etc (pay gap, racism)
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Which Postmodernist comments on crime and deviance and postmodernism?
Katz - Criminology rarely looks at pleasure of commitig crimes 'transgression', crimes motivated by 'moral self-transcendence', different crimes provide different thrills
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Which postmodernists talk about social inequality and postmodernism?
Pakulski and Waters - 'Class is dead', defined by lifestyle choices not by class or ascribed status, individualisation means outcomes in lifes/patterns in society not decided by class models
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What changes in structure of society defines Postmodernism?


Less making in factories, more tech and info proccessing, social change rapid, social class and ext family dissapearing

Card 3


What makes up Postmodern culture?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the three features of postmodern identity?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which Postmodernist comments on identity?


Preview of the front of card 5
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