Positive of new deal for AA's

By 1932 how many blacks in Chicago were unemployed?
1 of 25
how much more was black unemployment than whites?
2 of 25
why was this?
favoured less than white workers and last hired first fired
3 of 25
how many migrated from the south?
400,000 1930-39
4 of 25
how many black homes in the south had no water or electricity?
5 of 25
why did black schools suffer?
did not recieve more funding due to cuts
6 of 25
why was FDR important?
first president to speak out againt lynching
7 of 25
why was Eleanor Roosevelt important?
she supported AA civil rights
8 of 25
how many jobs did new deal job creation schemes make?
1 milllion
9 of 25
how many housing units?
10 of 25
how many black youths were trained?
11 of 25
What did Mary Mcelaur Bethune become in charge of?
National Youth Admin which meant AA recieved a fair share of funding
12 of 25
how many black families were on relief compared to white families?
30% compared to 10% of white
13 of 25
How much did FERA spend on poor relief?
$4000 million
14 of 25
how many jobs did the WPA created for AA
350,000 EACH YEAR
15 of 25
how many black teachers did WPA employ
excess of 5000
16 of 25
what did Harold Ickes do
poured funds into the black community through the PWA
17 of 25
how much money was spend on black services
$45 million
18 of 25
What did the Wagner act help create?
CIO congress of industrial organisations in the mid 1930's helped organisd black workers into labour unions
19 of 25
how many blacks were part of the CIO
20 of 25
what was significant about Black voting in 1936
swapped historic allegance from Republicans to the democrats
21 of 25
what did people say about this?
marked a radical break with the past
22 of 25
What did W.E.B du Bois say about it?
FDR gave AA a poltical regonsition they had not receieved before
23 of 25
How many blacks voted for FDR in 1936
24 of 25
how many in 1932 had supported herbert Hoover in 1932
over 2/3
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


how much more was black unemployment than whites?



Card 3


why was this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how many migrated from the south?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how many black homes in the south had no water or electricity?


Preview of the front of card 5
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