Popular Protest after the Coup of Thermidor 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryFrance 1589-1800A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: millierice2301Created on: 10-12-18 11:50 When was the Rising of Germinal? April 1795 1 of 6 How many people protested? 10,000, marching on the Convention and demanding bread. They were dispersed by the National Guard. 2 of 6 When was the Rising of Prairial? May 1795 3 of 6 What was the motivation for the Prarial Uprising? Sans-culottes surrounded the assembly and demanded action on food shortages. 4 of 6 What was the response of the Convention? They set up a Food Commission, but they deployed 20,000 troops to disperse the protesters. 5 of 6 What did these uprisings show? The extent of the dissatisfaction of the people with the Thermidorean government and the dire economic situation. 6 of 6
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