Polymers and Synthesis 4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? ChemistryPolymersA2/A-levelOCR Created by: MrGinger2905Created on: 14-04-14 12:28 A compound made of amino acids by peptide bonds Peptide 1 of 11 A dipolar ionic form that acts as both a negative and positive ion Zwitterion 2 of 11 Species with the same structural formula but with a different arrangement of atoms in the space Stereoisomers 3 of 11 A carbon atom attached to four different atoms or groups of atoms Chiral Carbon 4 of 11 Stereoisomers that are non-superimposable mirror images of each other Optical Isomers 5 of 11 A polymer that is made from joining a COOH group and an NH2 group to form an amide bond Polyamide 6 of 11 A polymer that is made from joining a COOH group and an OH group to form an ester bond Polyester 7 of 11 A way if making polymers that only creates the polymer from one type of monomer Addition 8 of 11 A way if making polymers that creates a small molecule such as water and the polymer from more that one type of monomer Condensation 9 of 11 The group other than a carboylic acid that helps form a polyester Alcohol 10 of 11 The group other than a carboxylic acid that helps form a polyamide Amine 11 of 11
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