Politics Key Terms Unit 1 Topic 1 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Government & PoliticsASOCR Created by: Will DoveyCreated on: 28-03-13 10:01 Democracy 'People power', or government by the people for the people. 1 of 5 Political Participation Getting invovled in politics, either directly through voting and joining a political party or indircetly through a pressure group such as Greenpeace. 2 of 5 Referendum The process whereby citiizens are asked to decide on an issue, usually by giving a simple Yes/No answer. 3 of 5 Abstention Delieberately not participating or voting when there is opportunity to do so. 4 of 5 Apathy A reluctance tog et invovled in the political processes or take an interest in politics. 5 of 5
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