politics paper 3 us consitituion 0.0 / 5 ? Government & Politicsus consitituionA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: 354657657politicsCreated on: 16-02-22 17:00 what does bicameral legislature mean 2 chambers 1 of 15 which has proportional representation the house 2 of 15 which has equal representation the senate 3 of 15 what date did the USA finally become a republic 17th September 1787 4 of 15 which article in the constitution is congress - the legislature 1 5 of 15 which article in the constitution is president-executive 2 6 of 15 which article in the constitution is supreme court - the judicial branch 3 7 of 15 which article in the constitution is the amendment process 5 8 of 15 why did the founding fathers want the separation of powers they wanted to limit government power to prevent tyranny 9 of 15 what is a codified constitution a single written down document 10 of 15 haw is power distributed due to the separation of powers it is distributed into 3 branches - executive- legislature - supreme court 11 of 15 what is the executive the president 12 of 15 what is the legislature congress - house and senate 13 of 15 what is the judiciary the supreme court 14 of 15 haw can the federal branches check the power of the other branches impeachment - checks and balances - and congress can overturn the president's veto 15 of 15
"The Core Ideas & Values associated with Fascism are ALIEN to British Political Tradition." Discuss 0.0 / 5
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