Poetry Glossary 4.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? English LiteratureAQA AnthologyGCSEAQA Created by: CurlotCreated on: 17-05-14 17:49 Alliteration Repetition of the same consonant sounds 1 of 29 Assonance Repetition or a pattern of the same vowel sounds. 2 of 29 Ballad A peom that tells a stroy similar to a folk tale or legend. 3 of 29 Carpe Diem To live for today and enjoy the pleasures of the moment. 4 of 29 Couplet A pair of lines that are the same length usually rhyme and form a complete thought. 5 of 29 Elegy Laments the death of a person or one that is simply sad and thoughtful 6 of 29 Enjambament A line ending in which the sense continues, no punctuation 7 of 29 Femine Rhyme A rhyme that occurs in a final unstressed syllable 8 of 29 Haiku A japanese poem composed of three unrhymed line of five,seven and five syllables. 9 of 29 Hyperbole Deliberate exaggeration for emphasis 10 of 29 Imagery Picture, figures of speech and description to evoke ideas and feeling. 11 of 29 Limerick Light, humerous peom of five lines. 12 of 29 Litotes. A positive stated by negating its opposite 13 of 29 Lyric Expresses the thoughts and feeling of the poet. 14 of 29 Masculine rhyme A rhyme that occurs in a final stressed syllable 15 of 29 Metaphor Two things that are compared, One thing is another 16 of 29 Narrative Telling a story 17 of 29 Ode Poem that is serious and thoughtful 18 of 29 Onomatopoeia Words are used to imaitate sounds 19 of 29 Pastoral Pictues country life is a peaceful, idealised way. 20 of 29 Personification. Non-human things or abstract idea are given human attributes. 21 of 29 Refrain Group of lines that are repeated 22 of 29 Rhyme Occurence of the same or similar sounds at the end of two or more words. 23 of 29 Rhyme scheme Pattern made by the rhyme in each stanza or verse. 24 of 29 Simile Saying something is 'like' or 'as' something else. 25 of 29 Sonnet A poem of 14 lines, usually love related 26 of 29 Stanza Two or more lines of poetry that together from one of the divisions of the poem. 27 of 29 Stress The porminence or emphaisi given to particular syllables. 28 of 29 Symbol When a word, phrase or image 'stands for' and idea or theme. 29 of 29