Poetry 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? EnglishGCSEAQA Created by: BillyCreated on: 03-12-12 11:14 Conflict Poems - Contemporary Poetry. Flag, Out of the blue, Mametz wood, The yellow palm, The right word, At the border, 1979, Belfast Confetti, Poppies. 1 of 5 Conflict Poems - The Literary Heritage. Futility, The charge of the light brigade, Bayonet charge, The falling leaves, 'Come on, Come back', next to of course god america i, Hawk roosting. 2 of 5 Poems linked to Flag. Charge of the Light Brigade 3 of 5 Links to Belfast Conffetti. Bayonet Charge, use of imagery. 4 of 5 Links to Futility Falling Leaves, sad under tone, and is anti-war. 5 of 5
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