Where words that are close together start with the same sound, e.g. wing with wrong
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Where a word or phrase has 2 or more possible interpretations
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Where words has the same vowel sound but their consonants are different
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caesura (plural caesurae)
A pause in the line of poetry
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sounding like everyday language e.g. with your pals
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repetition of a constant sound in nearby words e.g. and fit the bright steel-pointed sock
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a variation of a language spoken by people from a particular place or background, might include different words sentence constructions
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direct address
When the narrator of the poem speaks directly to another character
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dramatic monologue
a form of poetry that uses the assumed voice of a single charcter who is not the poet to address an implied audience
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a series of dots which indicate a pause. It can add to to a poems meaning e.g. In Mother any distance an ellipsis suggest how the tape measure is being stretched out
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something that makes you feel a particular emotion
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When someone understands what someone else is experiencing and how they feel about it
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finishing a line of poetry with the ned of a phrase or sentence.
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when a sentence or phrase runs over from one line or stanza to the next
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first person
Poet writes about themselves or a group of their people, using words like e.g. I, MY ,WE, OUR
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the type of poem e.g. sonnet or a ballad, and its features, like number of lines, rhyme, and rhythm
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free verse
poetry that doesn't rhyme and has no regular rhythm or line length
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words that have similar, but not identical end sounds e.g. plough and follow
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the use of exaggeration to emphasise a point
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iambic pentameter
poetry with a metre of ten syllables- 5 stresses, 5 unstressed
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iambic tetrameter
poetry with a metre of eight syllables- 4 stressed, 4 unstressed
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language that creates a picture in your mind. It includes metaphors, similies and personification
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internal rhyme
When two or more words in the same line rhyme e.g. the soft young down of her; the brown
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when words are used to imply the opposite of what they normally mean. It can also mean when there is a difference between what people except and what actually happens
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when a poet puts 2 ideas, events, characters or descriptions close to each other to encourage the reader to contrast them
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a way of describing something by saying that is something else e.g. icebergs of white feather
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extended metaphor
a metaphor that is carried on e.g. the ship metaphor in follower
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one person speaking alone for along period of time
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words with only one syllable e.g. I had not thought that it would be like this
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the feel or atmosphere of a poem e.g. humorous, peaceful, fearful
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Where a word or phrase has 2 or more possible interpretations
Card 3
Where words has the same vowel sound but their consonants are different
Card 4
A pause in the line of poetry
Card 5
sounding like everyday language e.g. with your pals
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