poetry 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureloveA2/A-levelNone Created by: tgrevCreated on: 03-06-17 14:40 attitudes to love in who so unrequited, forbidden, painful 1 of 27 attitudes to love in sonnet 116 timeless, true, optimistic 2 of 27 attitudes to love in the flea forced, ******, strong male desire 3 of 27 attitudes to love in his coy mistress timeless, eroticism, care free 4 of 27 attitudes to love in scrutiny selfish 5 of 27 attitudes to love in a song selfish, religious 6 of 27 attitudes to love in garden of love restricted, repressed, freedom of the individual 7 of 27 attitudes to love in song romantic, pitiful 8 of 27 attitudes to love in she walks in beauty supernatural, non sexual, exaggerated 9 of 27 attitudes to love in remember unfulfilled, contemplative, bittersweet 10 of 27 attitudes to love in ruined maid tragic, non romantic, female perspective 11 of 27 attitudes to love in at an inn unrequited, unattainable, unbalanced 12 of 27 attitudes to love in la belle unrequited, tragic, sexual, mythological 13 of 27 attitudes to love in non sum sinful, apologetic, first love 14 of 27 3 conventions of metaphysical poetry intellectual, use of conceits, resolved in unity 15 of 27 aspects of love in renaissance poetry unrequited, constant, timeless, courtly, love subject to change 16 of 27 start and end of renaissance 1485-1660 17 of 27 content of Victorian poetry country vs city, lack of sexual discretion, bigamous marriage, romantic triangles 18 of 27 content of romantic poetry Gothic elements introduced, nature offers peace not found in city 19 of 27 4 characteristics of romantic poetry beauty of supernatural, championing individual, importance of nature 20 of 27 3 conventions of courtly love lady holds herself aloof, she assigns him tasks to prove his love, lady inspires the knight to achieve more 21 of 27 content of medieval poetry courtly love, religious devotion, plays that instruct illiterate with moral and religion 22 of 27 tudor poetry who so, sonnet 116 23 of 27 metaphysical poetry flea, his coy mistress 24 of 27 romantic poetry garden of love, she walks in beauty, la belle 25 of 27 victorian poetry remember, ruined maid, at an inn 26 of 27 comic metre duapestic trimetre 27 of 27
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