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- Created by: M.Qvvlls
- Created on: 26-05-19 12:17
Sense of Place
subjective, personal, emotional attachment to place.
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Tourist Gaze
organised by business, e.g. death sites; Auschwitz and G0
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Near Place & Far Place
Geographical and emotional; map, specific place, no meaning.
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Experienced Place
places that we experience personally
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Media Place
place experienced through media e.g. books, films, tv, music, radio.
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e.g. airport can be anywhere as it lacks uniqueness.
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Topography, land use, location, infrastructure, builds, demographic, physical geo, economic characteristics.
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external factors, influenced by other places e.g. migration and investments.
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Insider perspective
first hand experience of place normally over a long period of time/ if they speak lang/ were born in place.
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Outsider perspective
short period of time, don't speak local lang, lack of connections.
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where on a map- latitude, longitude.
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where everyday activities take place, are social interactions e.g. office, park, church.
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Yi Fu Tua
understanding &attachment grow with age.
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Forces of change
international, national & global institutions, gov (local and national), TNCS, individuals, communities.
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GLASGOW known as, had a key role in, life expectancy..
stabbing & knifing capital, key role in slave trade, life increases 7-10 years from moving away.
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GLASGOW regeneration and investment
more affordable housing in top 8 most deprived, city centre- largest and most successful shopping destination outside London attracting investment, 90 million shoppers spend £2.4 bil a year.
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GLASGOW 'People Make Glasgow'
Formulate rebranding plan by asking Glaswegians around the globe; 1,500 from 42 countries. £500k a year to develop and promote across the UK.
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STRATFORD history;
Carpenters Estate est 19thC, targeted during WWII due to proximity to rail roads and factories, lack of funding- rundown.
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NEWHAM is...
One of London's most deprived boroughs.
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Athlete village= jobs and housing (East Village), Olympic Park= tidied polluted ground/ brownfield/ where factories used to be.
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STRATFORD- population/ people count
Predominantly white, near equal Black and Asian at Carpenters Estate and Westfield.
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STRATFORD- opinions of residents
Areas not what it once was, still want more improvements.
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Previously factories everywhere, only women worked in sweet factories, children wanted work on trains, dads work at docks. 96k employed at docks, community was important. Wouldn't want to move back.
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BOURNEVILLE- agents of change
Est 1851, Cadbury built housing for workers, and college costing £66 million, located in Birmingham. An idyllic village, rules about drinking, school for workers' children.
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BRICK LANE- history
Was a slum, now shopping opportunities & markets, best known for Irish and Jewish pop. Name derived from brick and tile manufacturing in 15th C. Now predominantly Bangladeshi.
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BRICK LANE- pull factors
mobility due to air transport, 1980s Britain was a country of net emigration with more people leaving than arriving.
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1742- Chapel- Huguenot, Jewish, Christian, Methodist, now Great London Mosque.
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SOUTHEND- history
og small fishing village, London effect= pop inc. 174,800 residents, 5,635 businesses, 63,500 jobs.
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SOUTHEND- Seaside town, rails, visitors from
Closest seaside town to London, two railway lines, traditionally drew visitors from East London.
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SOUTHEND- private investment & Victoria Avenue Regeneration
London Southend Airport by Stobart. Victoria Avenue; part of £35mill SE project, new roundabout and much more pedestrianised, statue commissioned and installed (made by French man).
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SOUTHEND- seafront city of culture
£3.5 mill repairing landslides, pavements widened, Golden Mile, £2mill on lighting and children fountain area.
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SOUTHEND- transport development
£130 mill in London Southend Airport, C2C and GA rails, A127 and A13 all to London, £3.3 mill on improving traffic flows.
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MEDELLIN, COLOMBIA- size, capital, issues
2nd largest state, industrial capital, violence, crime, poverty.
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sustainable investment in infrastructure and education.
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'Sheer unadulterated ugliness and mediocrity of public and commercial buildings'- is famously outspoken r.e. British Architecture.
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POUNDBURY, DORSET- rules for development from HRHPC
developments must respect the land, materials matter, pedestrians must be at the centre of the design process.
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HEATHROW, LONDON-business, wealthy passengers
one of the worlds busiest international airports, 40% of passengers are wealthy.
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£43 billion, 15 years from planning to completion, 6 years to build, 6,000 workers employed for construction, has capacity of T1-4 combined.
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HEATHROW, LONDON- flying rules
Night time flying not allowed after 10pm or before 6am with some exceptions. Planes pass every 90 seconds.
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HEATHROW, LONDON- arguments for T5
rapid growth in air travel, reputation, airport capacity, competition with europe, importance as a global hub, local economic value, wider significance, tourism.
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HEATHROW, LONDON- arguments against T5
economic, noise pollution, greenbelt loss, pollution, rail instead, air pollution on the M25.
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Index of multiple deprivation
income, employment, health, education, barriers to housing and services, living environment, crime.
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Place shape identity?
our sense of place (meaning we give to place) can be so strong that it features a central part of our identity. Ethnicity, language, faith, lived experience also impact.
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Lived experience is shaped by
transport, access, born and bred, surrounding family, schools, greenery, work availability, age- opportunities and facilities, culture, housing, entertainment.
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Multinational companies (e.g. McDonalds) adapt products to local market place e.g. beef removed from menu in Muslim countries.
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Globalisation affect on place importance
Less important as global capitalism erodes local cultures and produced identical places, e.g. Starbucks.
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Character of place
Refers to physical and human features that help to distinguish it from another place.
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Agents of change
The people who impact on a place whether through living, working or trying to improve a place.
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Factors with greatest influence on place character;
Economic factors, migration. e.g. conflict in Syria, terrorism NY 9/11. Industrial accidents e.g. Chernobyll nuclear meltdown. Natural disasters e.g. New Orleans. Climate Change in Maldives.
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'Socially constructed' places;
Places can be shaped by the actions of people and groups, e.g. National Institutions; National Trust, Local Government; Southend City Beach, Transnational Corporations; Tesco/ McDonalds.
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DETROIT- lakes, steel belt, migration
links lake Huron and Erie. Steel belt boom due to growth of home-grown companies manufactured for across the USA. Migration of millions of afro Americans travelled from southern states for new jobs in automotive industry.
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DETROIT- Push factor, pull factor and when migration happened
Push; KKK, Pull; car industry meant there were more jobs. Migration; 1910-70 of Afro Americans.
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Corporate Bodies
group/ organisation that operates as a single name and is often treated as its own entity.
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give a place a new meaning, in order to boost tourism, change view/ perspective, improve employment, pedestrianise, history, improve transport.
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Scattered population whose origin lies within a smaller geographic locale. Movement of population from its homeland.
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Process of renovation/ revival of deteriorated urban neighbourhood by means of influx of more affluent residents- increase in property value and displacement of lower income families and small businesses.
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UK Census
a demographic snapshot of the whole nation taken every 10 years. An example of big data.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Tourist Gaze
organised by business, e.g. death sites; Auschwitz and G0
Card 3
Near Place & Far Place

Card 4
Experienced Place

Card 5
Media Place

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