Pitt the younger

  • Created by: rosieatt
  • Created on: 06-05-23 16:25
What Party was Pitt a part of?
Pitt was a Tory.
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What was the Regency crisis?
King George the 3rd went crazy and his son (Prince George) did not like Pitt.
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How did Pitt deal with the economic problems during his reign?
- He raised taxes and added tax to things that were mainly bought by the rich (this made £6 million by 1799)

- Introduced a Sinking fund in 1786
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Why did the french revolution affect Pitt?
It posed a potential to have political uprisings in Britain due to the influence of the French.
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What years were Pitt Prime Minister?
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How did Pitt develop trade?
Created a Treaty with France in 1786.
The Eden treaty
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What did Pitt do for the East India Trading Company?
The East India Bill 1784
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How did Pitt reform the government?
Reduced the number of employees, Saving money and corruption rates.
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What did Pitt do to help parliamentary reform?
Abolished 180 positions and made it harder for MPs to spend government money.
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What radical threats did Pitt face?
Naval mutinies, United Englishmen, London correspondents society 1792
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What were Pitt's main acts?
1784- India Bill
1800- Act of Union
1786- Eden Treaty
1799- Slave Trade Act
1789- Regency Bill
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What year was the India Bill?
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What year was the Eden Treaty?
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What Act took place in 1799?
The Slave Trade Act
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What year was the Act of Union?
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What was the Regency Bill and when was it implemented?
The 1789 Regency Bill was a bill where Prince George could only take over his father's place with the permission of the Parlement
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the Regency crisis?


King George the 3rd went crazy and his son (Prince George) did not like Pitt.

Card 3


How did Pitt deal with the economic problems during his reign?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did the french revolution affect Pitt?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What years were Pitt Prime Minister?


Preview of the front of card 5
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