physics -heat radiation 0.0 / 5 ? Physicsheat radiationGCSEAQA Created by: fia21Created on: 11-04-14 13:27 how can heat be transferred convection, radiation or conduction 1 of 8 define radiation transfer of heat by infrared radiation 2 of 8 define: convection heat transfer in liquids and gases 3 of 8 define: conduction heat transfer in solids 4 of 8 what surfaces absorb heat best? dark, matt e.g.. matt black 5 of 8 what happens during conduction of heat? vibrating particles pass on their extra kinetic energy to neighbouring particles 6 of 8 why are metals good conductors? they have electrons that are free to move around inside the metal 7 of 8 how does convection occur? more energetic particles move from hotter regions to cooler regions taking the heat energy with them 8 of 8
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