Physics foundation unit 1

  • Created by: jessica
  • Created on: 17-06-13 16:32
How can the speed of a wave be calculated?
Frequency and wavelength
1 of 45
How do waves travel?
2 of 45
What is the frequency of a wave?
The number of waves.
3 of 45
What do electricity meters measure?
Number of units of electricity used
4 of 45
What does the temperature increase depend on?
Mass, substance and amount of energy transferred into the object
5 of 45
How do we calculate the amount of electrical energy?
How much it costs to run
6 of 45
what does T mean in an equation?
Time in hours
7 of 45
What does P mean in an equation?
Power in kW
8 of 45
What does E mean in an equation?
Energy transferred into kWh
9 of 45
What is the equation including E,P,T?
10 of 45
How do you covert W into kW?
Divide W by 1,000 to get kW
11 of 45
How do you convert seconds into hours?
Divide seconds by 3600 to get hours
12 of 45
How is heat transferred?
Conduction, Convection and radiation
13 of 45
Do dark matt surfaces absorb heat better or worse than light shiny surfaces?
14 of 45
Do all objects give out or absorb radiation?
all objects give out AND absorb radiation
15 of 45
What is conduction?
its heat energy which moves through a substance
16 of 45
Are Metals good at conducting heat?
17 of 45
Are Non-Metals good at conducting heat?
18 of 45
What are poor conductors of heat good for?
insulating heat
19 of 45
What is convection?
Liquids and Gases which transfer heat by moving from place to place
20 of 45
What happens to liquids and gasses when heated?
The particles expand
21 of 45
The bigger in temperature between an object and its surroundings means what?
The greater the rate at which heat energy is transferred
22 of 45
what does U-values measure?
effectiveness of material as an insulator
23 of 45
the lower the U-value means what?
the better the material is as a heat conductor
24 of 45
What is a cavity wall used for?
25 of 45
Is it best for this?
26 of 45
What does double glazing and extra insulation do for someone?
reduce heat energy loss and saves money
27 of 45
What does the temperature do?
measure how hot or cold something is
28 of 45
What does the heat do?
measure the thermal energy contained in an object
29 of 45
What is the temperature measured in?
30 of 45
What is the heat measured in?
31 of 45
What does the greater the amplitude of a sound wave mean?
the louder the sound
32 of 45
What does the greater the frequency mean?
the higher the pitch
33 of 45
How can white light be split?
using a prism
34 of 45
Give an example of what Radio waves are used for?
TV signals
35 of 45
Give an example of what micro waves are used for?
Cooking, mobiles
36 of 45
Give an example of what Infra red is used for?
optical fiber communication
37 of 45
Give an example of what visible light is used for?
38 of 45
Give an example of what ultraviolet is used for?
detecting forged bank notes
39 of 45
Give an example of what X-rays are used for?
Medical images
40 of 45
Give an example of what Gamma rays are use for?
Killing cancer cells
41 of 45
How would you measure the total cost of units of electricity used?
number of units x cost per unit
42 of 45
Work out if the total cost of per unit was £4.77 and the number of units was 223
43 of 45
Double glazing might cost £2,500 and save £100 a year. How would you figure out the pay back time?
pay back time = cost of energy ÷ money saved
44 of 45
Double glazing might cost £2,500 and save £100 a year. What is the pay back time?
2,500 ÷ 100 = 25 years
45 of 45

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do waves travel?



Card 3


What is the frequency of a wave?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do electricity meters measure?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does the temperature increase depend on?


Preview of the front of card 5
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