Physics Definitions 3

  • Created by: ADAM
  • Created on: 30-04-13 12:06
Nuclear Decay
The random and sporadic process in which a nucleus decays, releasing either alpha, beta or gamma radiation.
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Nuclei with a specific number of protons and neutrons.
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The law of radioactive decay
The number of nuclei that will decay per second (i.e. the rate of decay) is proportional to the number of nuclei that haven't yet decayed.
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rms value of a time-varying voltage
The value of direct voltage that gives the same power output as the average ac power output.
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The power supplied per unit current.
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The Stefan-Boltzmann law for a black body
Power emitted per unit area is proportional to [absolute temperature/temperature in K]^4
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Acoustic impedence
The product of the density of a medium and the speed of sound in the medium.
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Critical Density
The density at which the universe will stop expanding and start to contract.
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Total charge of one sign produced by ioisation per unit mass of air.
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Absorbed dose
Energy absorbed by tissue.
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Equivalent dose
Absorbed dose taking into consideration the quality factor of the type of radiation.
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Card 2


Nuclei with a specific number of protons and neutrons.



Card 3


The number of nuclei that will decay per second (i.e. the rate of decay) is proportional to the number of nuclei that haven't yet decayed.


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Card 4


The value of direct voltage that gives the same power output as the average ac power output.


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Card 5


The power supplied per unit current.


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