Physics AQA Unit 2 Quiz: Electricity Here is my fifth Unit 2 quiz, covering all the electricity topics. 4.5 / 5 based on 10 ratings ? PhysicsElectricityGCSEAQA Created by: hiuu billyCreated on: 17-04-11 12:49 How do we measure potential difference? With a voltmeter connected in parallel 1 of 17 The difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit is a series circuit is a single pathway for an electric current whereas a parallel circuit gives more than one pathway for the electric current 2 of 17 What is measured in Ohms? Resistance 3 of 17 What do we mean by resistance? Opposition to current flow 4 of 17 What effect does reversing a potential difference across a filament lamp have? Nothing happens 5 of 17 What is the equation for current? p.d. of supply / total resistance 6 of 17 What component's resistance decreases as the temperature increases? A thermistor 7 of 17 What is the frequency of the UK mains supply? 50 8 of 17 What is the voltage of the mains supply? 230 9 of 17 What colour is the live wire? Brown 10 of 17 What wire is coloured blue? Neutral wire 11 of 17 Why are the pins of the plug made with brass? Brass is a good conductor, hard and does not corrode 12 of 17 A fuse's rating should be slightly higher than the normal working current of the appliance 13 of 17 What is measured in coulombs? Charge 14 of 17 What is the unit of power? W 15 of 17 What equation can we use to calculate power? energy transformed / time 16 of 17 What is the current through a 2300W mains heater? 10A 17 of 17