Physics 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PhysicsElectromagnetic SpectrumGCSEWJEC Created by: JadeCreated on: 05-12-12 18:10 What are waves caused by? Vibrations 1 of 27 What measures the height of the wave from the middle line to the peak? Amplitude 2 of 27 What is a wavelength? A wavelength is a full cycle of a wave from peak to peak 3 of 27 How do you work out the frequency of a wave? By counting how many complete waves there are in a second 4 of 27 What type of wave is a sound wave? Describe this wave. Longitudinal - the direction of the disturbance that the wave is being created from is the sam way the wave travels 5 of 27 What type of wave is a sound wave? Describe this wave. Transverse - The direction of the disturbance creating the wave is at a right angle to the waves travel 6 of 27 What are the two wave speed equations? Speed= distance/time and speed=frequencyXwavelength 7 of 27 Name the electromagnetic spectrum Radio, micro, infra red, visible light, ultra violet, xrays and gamma rays 8 of 27 Which wave in the em spectrum has the longest wavelength? Radio wave 9 of 27 Which wave in the em spectrum has the shortest wavelength? Gamma rays 10 of 27 Which wave in the em spectrum has the lowest frequency? Radio wave 11 of 27 Which wave in the em spectrum has the highest frequency? Gamma rays 12 of 27 What does it mean if the frequency of a wave is high? Its got a greater amount of energy and its more dangerous 13 of 27 Whats the only wave from the em spectrum we can see? Visible light 14 of 27 What are radio waves used for? communication 15 of 27 What are micro waves used for? cooking and communication with satellites 16 of 27 What are infra red waves used for? Its basically heat radiation - night vision, remote controls and communication in fibre optic cables 17 of 27 What are ultra violet waves used for? Tanning - it can cause skin cancer 18 of 27 What are x-rays used for? Used to spot broken bones - can cause cancer. Medical staff stand behind lead screens and leave the room to keep exposure to a minimum 19 of 27 What are gamma rays used for? To treat cancer and also to kill bacteria 20 of 27 What are dull black surfaces good for? Emitting heat radiation and absorbing heat 21 of 27 What can lead to global warming The CO2 and methane in the atmosphere acting as a insulating layer 22 of 27 What does the light energy from the sun do? It heats up the earth, the energy from this is then bounced back into the atmosphere 23 of 27 What is the reflected wave that is bounced back from earth called? and what happens to it? Infra red - its then absorbed by CO2 molecules 24 of 27 What do co2 particles containing infra red radiation do? Re-emit the infra red in all directions (this heats up the earth) 25 of 27 What does a reflection do? allows us to see an object (diffuse/clear) 26 of 27 what does a refraction do? Waves change speed when they enter a new medium, this causes a change in direction and a change in wavelength 27 of 27
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