physics 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsElectromagnetic SpectrumGCSEAQA Created by: Lewys ThomsonCreated on: 28-05-15 14:44 Do all objects emit infared radiation? All objects emit infared radiation. 1 of 8 What does it mean if an object is hotter? It will emit more inafred radiation. 2 of 8 What are dark (black) surfaces good at doing? They are good emiters of infared radiation. 3 of 8 What are light, shiny surfaces (white) They are poor emiters of infared radiation. 4 of 8 What do light, shiny surfaces do if infared radiation touches them? They reflect the infared radiation. 5 of 8 What is the Kinetic particle theory? The theory explains the properties of different states of matter e.g Solids, Liquids and Gases. 6 of 8 What are the four main types of energy transfer through heating? Conduction, Convection, Evaporation, Condensation. 7 of 8 What factors affect the rate of energy transfer? Surface area, Material which object is made from, the nature of the surface which the object is in contact with. 8 of 8
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