Physics P2 Electricity
Q. How is static charge made
A. When two objects rub against one another some electrons may jump from one object to the other thus making the original positively charged and the other object negatively charged
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. What is the difference between the electrostatic fields of negatively and positively charged objects
A. Negative fields have a weak inward force and positive fields have a strong outward force.
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. Show the equation involving current charge and time + units
Current (Amps) = Charge (Coulombs)/Time(secs)
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. What is the equation for Ohms Law + Units
A. Resistance(Ohms)=Voltage(Volts)/Current(amps)
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. What is the difference in the P.D/Current graphs for a Ohmic circuit and one containing a filament bulb.
A. The Ohmic circuit is directly proportional whereas the filament bulb is more like a wavy S.
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. What is a diode
Q. Diodes are a component that mean a circuit only functions with a positive current.
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. What are LDR's and Thermistors
A. An LDR generates electricity from light and a Thermistor generates it from temperature.
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. How does current behave differently in a series and parallel circuit
A. In a series circuit the current remains the same throughout however in a parallel circuit the currents splits up between the branches.
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. What is the difference between direct current and alternating current.
A. Direct current flows in one direction and alternating currents alternate between the two directions.
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. List 3 objects powered by D.C and 3 powered by A.C
A. D.C: I-pod, TV remote and Wall clock. A.C: Bedside lamp, Microwave and clock Radio
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. List two equations for power
Power(watts)=Energy Transfer(Joules)/Time(secs)
Power = Voltage(Volts) x Current (Amps)
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Physics P2 Electricity
Q. List the equation involving Potential difference, Energy Transferred and Charge
A. P.D= Energy Transfered/Charge
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Physics P2 Electricity
Q. What is the difference between the electrostatic fields of negatively and positively charged objects
A. Negative fields have a weak inward force and positive fields have a strong outward force.
Card 3
Physics P2 Electricity
Q. Show the equation involving current charge and time + units
Card 4
Physics P2 Electricity
Q. What is the equation for Ohms Law + Units
Card 5
Physics P2 Electricity
Q. What is the difference in the P.D/Current graphs for a Ohmic circuit and one containing a filament bulb.
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