Physics P1 Probemas
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- Created by: allhailzamorak
- Created on: 16-04-16 12:36
Physics P1.1 - Energy transfer by heating
Physics P1.1 - Energy transfer by heating
1 of 170
Infrared radiation is energy the transfer by ________ waves
2 of 170
All objects emit ________ radioation
3 of 170
The ________ object, the more ________ radiation it emits in a given time.
Hotter, infrared
4 of 170
What is the greenhouse effect?
The trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere, due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface.
5 of 170
How can we reduce the production of greenhouse gasss?
Reduce use of fossil fuels in making fuels.
6 of 170
What will happen if polar ice caps melt?
Sea levels will rise causing flooding.
7 of 170
What type of surfaces emit more infra-red radiation than others?
Dark, matt surfaces emit more radiation than shiny, light surfaces.
8 of 170
What type of surfaces also absorb more infrared radiation?
Dark matt surfaces absorb more than shiny, light surfaces.
9 of 170
What type of surfaces relfect/insulate heat?
Light, shiny matt surfaces.
10 of 170
Name four properties that describe matter: ________ ,________ ,________ ,________
Flow, shape, volume and density.
11 of 170
What are the particle properties in a solid?
Particles in a solid are held next to each other in a fixed position.
12 of 170
Properties of a liquid?
Move about at random and are in contact with each other. Doesn't have it's own shape, can flow.
13 of 170
Properties of a gas?
Particles move around randomly, with much further apart particles than solids or liquid. Much less dense.
14 of 170
What particles have most amounts of energy?
Gas more than liquid, liquid more than solid, solid having the least.
15 of 170
What are the best conductors of energy?
16 of 170
What two materials are the best at insulators?
Fibreglass and wool
17 of 170
What causes conduction in metals?
Free electrons in the metal transferring energy
18 of 170
Why are non-metals poor conductors?
They don't contain any free electrons.
19 of 170
When a metal rod in heated at one end, what causes it to heat the other end?
Electrons diffuse and collide with other free electrons, in the colder parts of the metal, so kinetic energy is transferred.
20 of 170
What is a better conductor than steel?
21 of 170
What conducts better than glass (excluding metal)?
22 of 170
What is convection?
The circulation of a fluid (liquid or gas) caused by heating it.
23 of 170
What two matters does convection only take place in?
Liquids and gasses
24 of 170
Heating a liquid or gas makes it less ________ so it rises and causes ________?
dense and cirulation
25 of 170
What happens when a fluid is heated?
It becomes less dense and rises.
26 of 170
What is evaporation?
When a liquid turns into a gas.
27 of 170
What is condensation?
When a gas turns into a liquid.
28 of 170
How can you increase the rate of evaporation?
Increasing surface area of liquid, increasing the temperature, or by creating a draught of air across the liquids surface.
29 of 170
How can you increase the condensation rate of a surface?
Increasing surface area or lowering the temperature of the surface.
30 of 170
Why does evaporation cause a cooling effect?
The remaining particles in the liquid have a lower average kinetic energy than before, so the liquid cools down as evaporation happens. This is why sweating cools you down. The sweat absorbs energy from your skin so that it can continue to evaporate.
31 of 170
Energy transferred to or from an objects depends on:
Shape, size materials of object. Materials the object is in contact with; and the temperature difference.
32 of 170
How does a flask work?
Vacuum between two walls of container cuts out energy transfer by conduction and convection between the walls.
33 of 170
What is a heat sink?
Metal plate in-between electrical components to stop them becoming to hot.
34 of 170
The greater the ________ of a object, the more ________ it temperature increases when heated.
mass of the object, the more slowly...
35 of 170
The rate of tempature change of a substance when heated depends on? ________,________,________,
energy supplied to it, it's mass, specific heat capacity
36 of 170
What's the unit for specific heat capacity?
joules/gram °C
37 of 170
How do storage heaters store energy?
Use off-peak electricity to store energy in special bricks.
38 of 170
What's the difference between heat and energy?
The hotter an object is, the faster the motion of the molecules inside it. Thus, the heat of an object is the total energy of all the molecular motion inside that object. Temperature, on the other hand, is a measure of the average heat or thermal ene
39 of 170
Energy transfer from out homes can be reduced by:
loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, double glazing, draught proofing.
40 of 170
What do U-values tell us?
How much energy per second passes through different materials.
41 of 170
Advantages of solar heating panels?
Don't use fuel to heat water.
42 of 170
Disadvantages of solar heating panels?
Expensive to buy and install.
43 of 170
P1 2.1 - Using energy.
P1 2.1 - Using energy.
44 of 170
Energy exists in different forms. Energy can change from one form into another form.
45 of 170
When a object falls and gains speed, what happens to it gravitational potential energy and it's kinetic energy?
Gravitational potential energy decreases and it's kinetic energy increases.
46 of 170
Forms of energy: ?
Chemical energy (stored in fuel (including food)) - Kinetic energy
47 of 170
More forms of energy?
Gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, and elastic energy.
48 of 170
What is elastic energy?
Energy transferred by a electrical current.
49 of 170
What is elastic potential energy?
Energy stored in a springy object when we squash or stretch it.
50 of 170
What does the conservation of energy state?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
51 of 170
What types of energy does conservation of energy apply to?
All of them.
52 of 170
What is useful energy?
Energy in the place we want and in the form we need it.
53 of 170
What is wasted energy?
Energy that isn't useful energy.
54 of 170
What do useful and wasted energy end up being transferred to?
To it's surroundings, which becomes warmer.
55 of 170
Things you need to know (2):
As energy spread out, it gets more and more difficult to use for further energy transfer.
56 of 170
As energy becomes less useful, the more it ________ out.
Spreads out.
57 of 170
What are Sankey diagrams?
Energy transfer through a device, a diagram where we can display wasted energy.
58 of 170
No machine can be more than ?% efficient.
59 of 170
How can you make machines more efficient?
Reducing friction, air resistance, and electrical resistance.
60 of 170
P1 3.1 Electrical Energy
P1 3.1 Electrical Energy
61 of 170
4 uses of daily electrical appliances:
Lighting, heating, moving objects, and creating sound.
62 of 170
Power is the rate of transfer of ________.
63 of 170
Power =
Energy / time
64 of 170
Effeciency =
useful power output / total power in (x100)
65 of 170
Energy (transfer in Joules) = ? x ?
Power x time
66 of 170
What does a electricity meter measure?
How much electricity a house/building uses. Measured in KwH.
67 of 170
total cost = ? X ?
number of kW h used x cost per kW h
68 of 170
What does cost effectiveness mean?
Best vaue for money
69 of 170
How can you compare the cost effectiveness of a product?
Take in cost to buy it, running costs and environmental costs.
70 of 170
Why has the UK banned filament bulbs?
Because low energy bulbs use much less electrical energy than filament bulbs.
71 of 170
Phsycis P1 4.1 - Generating electricity
Phsycis P1 4.1 - Generating electricity
72 of 170
What are electricity generators in power stations driven by?
73 of 170
What three resources are burned in fossil fuel power stations?
Coal, oil and natural gas all burned for fuel.
74 of 170
What 2 elements are used in a nuclear power station?
Uranium and plutonium
75 of 170
What makes these better?
Release much more energy per kg for uranium and plutonium compared to fossil fuels.
76 of 170
What are biofuels?
Renewable sources of energy.
77 of 170
Name two bio fuels? And what can they be used to generate?
Ethanol and methane, both can be used to generate electricity.
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What is nuclear fission?
Nucleus of a uranium molecule is unstable and can split in two in the core of the nuclear reactor.
79 of 170
What is the energy of the core transferred by?
A cooland, which is very hot when leaves the core, flows through a heat exchanger then back to the core.
80 of 170
How is electricity generated?
Energy in coolant is used to turn water into steam in the heat exchanger. Steam turns turbines which turn electricity generators.
81 of 170
Biofuels are _______ neutral.
Carbon neutral meaning the carbon it takes in is equal to the carbon released when it's burned.
82 of 170
What is a wind turbine?
A electricity generator on top of a tall tower
83 of 170
How do waves generate electricity?
They turn a floating generator.
84 of 170
How do hydroelectric generators work?
Generators turned by water running downhill.
85 of 170
What are solar cells?
Flat solid cells that convert solar energy directly into electricity.
86 of 170
What do solar heating panels use + do?
Heat water directly using the suns energy.
87 of 170
Where does geothermal energy come from?
Comes from energy released by radioactive substances deep inside the earth.
88 of 170
What does water pumpbd into hot rocks in the ground produce?
Steam to drive turbines that generate electricity.
89 of 170
Why are solar cells only good for powered products that only need low amounts of electricity/
It only converts 10% of the solar energy absored into electricity.
90 of 170
Where are good places to put geothermal power stations?
Volcanoes so water can be pumped into it, to generate steam to turn a turbine.
91 of 170
How do fossil fuels cause global warming/
Produce increase levels of green house gasses.
92 of 170
What is a disadvantage to nuclear fuels?
Produce radioactive waste which is dangerous and difficult to dispose of.
93 of 170
What's a disadvantage to renewable energy sources?
Can affect plant and animal life negatively
94 of 170
Advantages of nuclear power:
No greenhouse gasses, much more energy per gram compared to fossil fuels.
95 of 170
Disadvantages of nuclear power:
Used fuel rods contain radioactive waste, and a explosion could could release radioactive material over a wide area.
96 of 170
Advantages of renewable energy sources:
Never run out, don't produce acid rain, don't produce radioactive waste products.
97 of 170
Disadvantages of renewable energy sources: Wind turbines, solar panels, and hydroelectric plants.
Wind turbines are noise pollutant, solar panels need to cover large area, hydroelectric plants need large reservoirs of water which can effect nearby plant + animal life.
98 of 170
What is the national grid?
The network of high-voltage power lines between major power stations. Distribute electricity to our homes.
99 of 170
What are step up transformers?
Steps up power stations to grid voltage.
100 of 170
What are step down transformers?
Used to step the grid voltage down to use in our homes to 230V.
101 of 170
What does a high grid voltage do to energy loss & a system?
Reduces energy loss and makes a system more efficient.
102 of 170
What are gas fired power stations?
Pumped storage stations that meet variations in demand.
103 of 170
What 3 resources can meet base load demands?
Nuclear, coal and oil power.
104 of 170
What 3 energy sources are all likely to contribute to future energy supplies?
Nuclear power stations, fossil fuel power stations which use carbon capture, and renewable energy sources.
105 of 170
P1 5.1 Waves
P1 5.1 Waves
106 of 170
What can we use waves to transfer?
Energy and information
107 of 170
How do transverse waves move?
They vibrate at right angles to the direction of energy transfer of the energy.
108 of 170
All electromagnetic waves are _________ waves.
109 of 170
How do longitudinal waves vibrate?
They vibrate parallel to the direction of energy transfer.
110 of 170
Name a example of a longitudinal wave?
Sound wave
111 of 170
WHat do mechaniel waved need to travel?
They need a medium substance to travel through.
112 of 170
Name two type of waves that mechanical waves can travel through:
Transverse or longitudinal waves.
113 of 170
Name 3 examples of electromagnetic waves:
Light waves, radio waves and microwaves.
114 of 170
What speed do electromagnetic waves travel at?
300,000 Km per second
115 of 170
What is the amplitude of a wave?
The height of the wave crest.
116 of 170
For any wave, what is it's frequency?
The number of wave crests passing a point in one second.
117 of 170
For any wave, what's it's wavelength?
Distance from one wave crest to the next wave crest. This is the same as one wave trough to the next.
118 of 170
What's the difference between a wave crest and wave trough?
Wave crest is the top of wave on graph, and the trough is the bottom below the X axis. (google a picture)
119 of 170
What unit do we measure frequency in?
Hertz (Hz)
120 of 170
One wave crest passing each second is a frequency of 1 Hz.
One wave crest passing each second is a frequency of 1 Hz.
121 of 170
What are straight waves called?
Plane waves.
122 of 170
What's the equation for wave speed?
wave length = frequency x wavelength
123 of 170
How do you represent the normal on a mirrow?
Draw a line perpendicular to the mirror.
124 of 170
What does the law of reflection state?
The angle of incidence = angle of reflection
125 of 170
The angle of incidence is the angle between the normal and the ________?
Incidence ray
126 of 170
Angle of reflection is the angle between the reflected ray and ________?
The normal
127 of 170
What is the image like formed by a plane mirror?
Virtual, upright (same way up as object) and laterally inverted.
128 of 170
What is refraction?
Refraction is the change of direction of waves when they travel across a boundary.
129 of 170
When a light ray refracts as it goes from air to glass, the angle of refraction is ____ than the angle of _________?
Less than the angle of incidence.
130 of 170
When it goes into glass to air, the angle of refraction is ____ than the angle of ________?
More than the angle of incidence.
131 of 170
What is diffraction?
The spreading out of waves when they pass through a gap or round the edge of an obstacle.
132 of 170
What will happen if radio waves don't diffract enough when they go over hills?
Radio and TV reception will be poor.
133 of 170
What is the frequency of the normal human ear?
20Hz to 20,000 Hz.
134 of 170
What are sound waves?
Vibrations that travel through a substance.
135 of 170
What can soundwaves not travel through?
A vacuum as there's no particles for the sound to travel through.
136 of 170
What causes echoes?
Due to sound waves reflected from a smooth, hard surface.
137 of 170
What speed does sound travel at?
340 m/s
138 of 170
What type of materials absorb sound?
Walls made from soft fabric as they absorb the sound.
139 of 170
The greater the temperature of air, the greater the _______ speed of sound travels.
Greater the temp = greater speed that sound travels
140 of 170
What causes the pitch of a note to increase?
If the frequency of the sound waves increases.
141 of 170
Vibrations created in an instrument when it is played through ______ waves.
Sound waves
142 of 170
How do instruments make noise?
Air inside of them vibrates.
143 of 170
How can you increase the amplitude of a wave?
Increase the loudness of sound. The waves on the screen will consequently be seen as taller.
144 of 170
P1 6.1 Electromagnetic Waves
P1 6.1 Electromagnetic Waves
145 of 170
Name the electromagnetic spectrum in order of decreasing wavelength and increasing frequency and energy.
Radio waves, microwaves, infra-red radiation, light, ultraviolet radiation, gamma radiation then x-rays.
146 of 170
What is the wave speed equation used to calculate?
Calculate the frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic waves.
147 of 170
What's the longest wavelength you will find on the electromagnetic spectrum?
148 of 170
What speed do electromagnetic waves travel at?
300 million m/s
149 of 170
What is the pattern between energy and frequency?
As the frequency increases, the energy of the waves increases. This is because the wave length is shorter.
150 of 170
What does white light contain?
All the colours of the visible spectrum.
151 of 170
Where is infrared radiation used in a home?
Carrying signals from handsets and inside optical fibres.
152 of 170
What can we use microwaves to carry?
Satellite TV programmes and mobile phone calls.
153 of 170
What are radio waves used for?
Radio and TV broadcasting, radio communications and mobile phone calls.
154 of 170
What dangers can infrared radiation cause to humans?
Skin burns
155 of 170
What is light from ordinary lamps and the sun called?
White light
156 of 170
What does the wavelength and frequency effect in a wave?
How far they can go; how much they spread; and how much information they can carry.
157 of 170
What are optical fibres?
Very thin transparent fibres that are used to transmit signals by light and infrared radiation.
158 of 170
Why would radio stations use longer wavelengths?
So that the radio signals have a much larger range, like national stations.
159 of 170
Why are optical fibres used over normal ways of transferring information?
They carry more information, light has smaller wavelengths than than radio waves so can carry more pulses.
160 of 170
What is the doppler effect?
Change in observed wavelength (and frequency) of waves due to the motion of the source of waves.
161 of 170
What is red-shift?
When an object moves away from an observer, its light is affected by the Doppler effect.
162 of 170
The faster a distant galaxy is moving away from us, the _______ it's red shift is.
163 of 170
Why are distant galaxies moving away from us?
Because the universe is expanding.
164 of 170
In 1929, what did the Edwin Hubble discover?
The further away a galaxy is from us, the grater it's red-shift is.
165 of 170
How did the universe start?
The Big bang - a massive explosion from a very small point.
166 of 170
The universe has been _______ ever since the big bang.
167 of 170
What is Cosmic microwave background radiation?
CMBR is electromagnetic radiation created just after the Big Bang.
168 of 170
What can CMBR only be explained by?
The Big bang theory.
169 of 170
170 of 170
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Infrared radiation is energy the transfer by ________ waves
Card 3
All objects emit ________ radioation

Card 4
The ________ object, the more ________ radiation it emits in a given time.

Card 5
What is the greenhouse effect?

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