Physics HL - Definitions for Electricity and Magnetism Definitions 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsPhysicsElectricityMagnetismInternational BaccalaureateNone Created by: Nicole726Created on: 22-05-17 21:43 The electric field strength at a point the force per unit positive charge on a small test charge placed at that point 1 of 7 The electron volt the energy gained by an electron when it moves through a potential difference of 1.0 V 2 of 7 Electric field strength the force per unit charge exerted on a positive test charge 3 of 7 The electric potential difference between two points in an electrical field the work done per unit charge to move the charge from the point of low potential to the point of high potential 4 of 7 Resistance the opposition to the flow of current in a conductor 5 of 7 Resistivity a measure of the resisting power of a specified material to the flow of an electric current 6 of 7 Electrical power the rate of electrical energy transfer in a resistor 7 of 7
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