Physics Density 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsdensityGCSEAQA Created by: weepingwillowCreated on: 26-05-17 12:05 Density is... mas per unit volume 1 of 9 Density's equation is mass÷volume 2 of 9 What is density's unit kg/mз 3 of 9 If a solid is placed in water and it sinks why does it because it has a higher density than water 4 of 9 what does immiscible liquids that do not mix 5 of 9 What happens if you put several immiscible liquids in a container? The least dense one rises to the top 6 of 9 What can be used to measure irregular objects density a eureka can 7 of 9 What is a displacement vessel a eureka can 8 of 9 When an object changes state does it density change a very small amount 9 of 9
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