Physics Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsMixedGCSEAQA Created by: penguin123Created on: 15-05-17 18:33 The type of quantity that is fully described by both a magnitude and a direction. vector 1 of 10 Quantities that are fully described by a magnitude scalar 2 of 10 First wave in the electromagnetic spectrum radio 3 of 10 A useful and wasted energy diagram is called a WHAT diagram? sankey 4 of 10 Mass * gravity = ? weight 5 of 10 force * distance = ? work done 6 of 10 In longitudinal waves, the oscillations are ? to the direction of travel and energy transfe parallel 7 of 10 wavelength * frequency = ? speed 8 of 10 angle of incidence = angle of ? reflection 9 of 10 Smallest in the electromagnetic spectrum gamma 10 of 10
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