physics electromagnetic spectrum 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsElectromagnetic SpectrumGCSEEdexcel Created by: Ben_m_WellsCreated on: 27-06-16 15:36 which colour light has the longest wave length ? red light wave 1 of 8 who discovered infrared ? William Hershel 2 of 8 which wave length has the highest frequency ? gamma rays 3 of 8 Which type of UV radiation causes most damage to skin cells ? UV A or UV B or UV C UV C 4 of 8 what are the uses of microwaves ? cooking and communication 5 of 8 What is ionising radiation ? it knocks electrons out of their atoms 6 of 8 Which type of radiation is the least penetrating? Alpha radiation 7 of 8 Which type of radiation travels the furthest from its source in air? Gamma radiation 8 of 8
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