Physical Geography- rivers

What is a long river profile?
The long profile shows how a river flows from it's source to it's mouth
1 of 6
What is a cross river profile?
The cross profile shows you a cross section of a river's channel and valley at certain points in the river's course
2 of 6
What is a river source?
The river source is usually in the upland area. It often flows over a series of waterfalls and rapids.
3 of 6
What are the four different river transport processes?
Solution, suspension, saltation and traction
4 of 6
What is deposition?
When a river loses energy, it deposits some of the material it is carrying
5 of 6
When might deposition take place?
When the river enters an area of shallow water or the volume of water decreases
6 of 6

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Card 2


The cross profile shows you a cross section of a river's channel and valley at certain points in the river's course


What is a cross river profile?

Card 3


The river source is usually in the upland area. It often flows over a series of waterfalls and rapids.


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Card 4


Solution, suspension, saltation and traction


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Card 5


When a river loses energy, it deposits some of the material it is carrying


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