What are the 7 benefits of taking part in physical activity?
Increase fitness, help the individual feel good, relieve stress and tension, increase self esteem and confidence, improve health, for enjoyment and for a mental challenge.
1 of 6
What are the 5 reasons for taking part in physical activity?
Cooperation, competition, for a physical challenge, aesthetic appreciation and development of friendships and social mixing.
2 of 6
What are the 6 influences on taking part?
People, image, cultural factors, resources, health and well-being and socio-economic
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What are the 3 opportunities for taking part?
Government initiatives, the organisation sport England and the youth sport trust top link.
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What are the 4 levels of the participation pyramid?
bottom-foundation, participation, performance and excellence-top
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What are the 5 components of health-related fitness?
Muscular strength, cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, body composition and flexibility.
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Cooperation, competition, for a physical challenge, aesthetic appreciation and development of friendships and social mixing.
What are the 5 reasons for taking part in physical activity?
Card 3
People, image, cultural factors, resources, health and well-being and socio-economic
Card 4
Government initiatives, the organisation sport England and the youth sport trust top link.
Card 5
bottom-foundation, participation, performance and excellence-top
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