Physical factors affecting glaciated landscapes 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyGlaciated landscapesASOCR Created by: Elliebb2014Created on: 05-10-16 17:18 Name three things to do with latitude that affect glaciated landscapes - Sun has to heat up larger surface area - Greater thickness of atmosphere - Solar anticylclones 1 of 5 How is solar heat lost? absorption by gas, scaterring of particles, reflected by clouds 2 of 5 How does altitude affect glaciated landscapes? The air is thinner the higher the altitude so it can't absorb as much heat 3 of 5 What is the environmental lapse rate? 0.6degrees celcius per 100m 4 of 5 How does contentiality affect glaciated landscapes? Water stores heat for longer than land 5 of 5
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