Physical Education Crossword Revision 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationCardiovascular systemGCSEAQA Created by: NathansurgeCreated on: 06-11-18 21:44 lower half of the heart ventricle 1 of 9 when the heart is resting diastole 2 of 9 when the heart is contracting systole 3 of 9 reducing the diameter of small arteries to reduce blood flow to tissue vasoconstriction 4 of 9 increasing the diameter of small arteries increase blood flow to tissue vasodilation 5 of 9 prevents backflow in vein Valves 6 of 9 diffusion of oxygen happens in to the blood stream Gaseous Exchange 7 of 9 working muscles Redistribute 8 of 9 top half of the heart right and left atriums 9 of 9
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