physical education 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationDiet, drugs, smoking, alcoholFitness & trainingSkeletal system - bones and jointsSkillsMuscular systemGCSEAQA Created by: avatowers123Created on: 04-05-18 10:28 name the bone located where the quadricepts are femur 1 of 10 define skill an action learned or taught 2 of 10 define ability inheriting a movement froma family member 3 of 10 name the muscles in the leg quadricepts ,hamstring tibialis anterior 4 of 10 feature of an artery thick walls narrow lumen takes blood away from the heart 5 of 10 features of a vein thin walls large lumen pocket valves takes blood towards the heart 6 of 10 features of capilaries one cell thick connect to arterys 7 of 10 pathway or air mouth/nose-trachea-brochi-bronchiles-alvioli 8 of 10 name a sport where agility is used basketball 9 of 10 why do veins have pocket valves to stop back flow of blood and clotting 10 of 10
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