Photocards (GCSE French Oral Exam Revision) 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchOral preparationGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: sourgrapesCreated on: 13-11-17 20:09 Dans l'image In the image 1 of 12 Dans la photo In the photo 2 of 12 Il y a There is/are 3 of 12 Je vois I see 4 of 12 Je peux voir You can see 5 of 12 La photo montre The photo shows 6 of 12 Au premier plan In the foreground 7 of 12 Au deuxieme plan In the background 8 of 12 A gauche To the left 9 of 12 A droite To the right 10 of 12 Pres de Close to 11 of 12 Devant In front of 12 of 12
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