What is meant by the term the 'God of Classical Theism'?
The God that possesses the characteristics of omnipotence, omniscience and omnibenevolence. Also the God worshipped by the three main western religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
3 of 13
What is meant by the phrase 'the problem of evil'?
The incompatibility of an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God allowing evil to exist.
4 of 13
Explain what philosophers mean by the term 'inconsistent triad'.
Where the three statments: God is omnipotent; God is omnibenevolent and Evil exists cannot co-exist without a logical contradiction.
5 of 13
On what did St Augustine base his theodicy?
The account of The Fall in Genesis, chapter 3.
6 of 13
What is meant by a privation?
The lack or absence of something that should be present in normal circumstances.
7 of 13
Why is the Fall of humanity a 'happy mistake'?
It allowed God to send Jesus into the world to atone for humankind's sin and to provide a way back to perfect harmony with God.
8 of 13
Describe one logical problem with Augustine's theodicy.
How can a perfect world go wrong?
9 of 13
Why does evolutionary theory undermine Augustine's theodicy?
It contradicts the idea that humankind was originally created perfect.
10 of 13
Which biblical verse is the foundation of the Irenaean type theodicy?
Genesis 1:26 - 'Let us make man in our image after our likeness'.
11 of 13
What is the role of evil in the Irenaean type theodicy?
To allow humankind to grow into God's likeness by understanding that all actions have consequences - both positive and negative.
12 of 13
Give one criticism of the Irenaean theodicy.
It takes no account of animal suffering; the immensity of suffering/unfair distrubution of suffering; neither does it encourage individuals to choose to do good in the here and now if all people will eventually end up in Heaven.
13 of 13
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Give an example of the two main types of evil.
E.g. murder and earthquakes.
Card 3
What is meant by the term the 'God of Classical Theism'?
Card 4
What is meant by the phrase 'the problem of evil'?
Card 5
Explain what philosophers mean by the term 'inconsistent triad'.
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