Home > A Level and IB > Sociology > Perspectives of Education (Feminism, Social Democrates, New Right/Neoliberal + Postmodernism)
Perspectives of Education (Feminism, Social Democrates, New Right/Neoliberal + Postmodernism)
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- Created by: Charlieshenton01
- Created on: 11-03-20 09:48
Feminist Perspective on Education
There are gender differences within the education system. They believe that the hidden curriculum unofficially reinforces gender differences + there are still these differences within subject choices, showing how gender stereotyping still exists.
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Liberal Feminist Perspective on Education
They see that girls now typically outperform boys within education + believe that the 'future is female'. They believe that education seems to only benefit girls, which has led to more women getting into politics + other high paying job roles.
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Radical Feminist Perspective on Education
Argue the patriarchy still works throughout schools to reinforce traditional gender norms which disadvantage girls. Despite improvements in girls ed, subject choices still remain heavily gendered + girls do not seem to be breaking the glass ceiling.
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Criticisms of The Feminist Perspective on Education
Education is an increasingly female-dominated sector with most teachers being female + the education system is increasingly resulting in female success + male underachievement, showing not all aspects of education disadvantage women + benefit men.
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The New Right/ Neoliberal Perspective on Education
They see education as important for a successful economy through encouraging competition in order to continually improve standards, like a business. They believe that education prepares students for work (New Vocationalism) + gives parents a choice.
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The New Right/ Neoliberal Perspective on State Education
State education can be inefficient + drain on a country's resources as they don't have to compete for pupils, resulting in poor standards. Although the state did introduce the national curriculum which ensured all pupils were taught the same thing.
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Chubb and Moe (1988) - New Right/Neoliberal
They believe that state education is unresponsive to the needs of pupils + parents + tend to have low standards, Whereas private ed has to please its consumers in order to survive + therefore standards are high with constant pressure to improve.
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Market Liberals - New Right/Neoliberal
Believe that raising standards are essential as a result of globalisation. If countries are going to compete in an increasingly global economy, workers lacking high levels of skills will lose their jobs to more skilled workers in other countries.
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Neoliberals - New Right/Neoliberal
They take a less positive view of education than functionalists, believing that education needs to be run more as a business.
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Criticisms of The New Right/ Neoliberal Perspective on Education
Competition between schools benefitted MC + LC BUT ethnic minorities + rural communities ended up having less effective choice. Vocational ed was often poor + the national curriculum is too ethnocentric + restrictive.
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Marxist and Social Democratic Criticisms of The New Right/ Neoliberal Perspective on Education
See that state ed is the only way to provide opportunities for all classes and that private ed puts profit before the wellbeing of students + favours the rich above the poor, wasting WC talents which harms the economy.
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The Social Democratic Perspective Of Education
They argue that ed needs to be changed to improve, but this doesn't require revolutionary change! They want to see greater equality resulting from the ed system + stress that school must give extra help to those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
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What Do Social Democrates Believe The Government Should Do To Help Improve The Education System?
They believe that the government need to intervene to ensure that everyone has the same opportunity to succeed by taxing the rich more + spending the revenue from these taxes on education to give the WC a chance to succeed.
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What Two Things Do Social Democrates Believe Education Should Promote?
Economic growth and equality of opportunity in a meritocracy.
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What Type Of School Do Social Democrates Want?
Comprehensive schools in order to expand the amount of places available for the WC in higher education.
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Criticisms of The Social Democratic Perspective On Education
They have not been successful in helping the WC do better in education, as despite the introduction of many new policies, the gap in attainment between classes still remains large.
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Wolf (2002) Criticisms of The Social Democratic Perspective of Education
Wolf questions whether more government spending on education will lead to more economic growth.
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Neoliberal Criticisms of The Social Democratic Perspective of Education
Greater equality in education could lead to standards being undermined, where education becomes levelled down + the most able students won't be given the chance to reach their full potential.
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Feminist Criticisms of The Social Democratic Perspective of Education
They concentrate too much on class inequalities and not on gender inequalities.
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The Postmodernist Perspective On Education
They stand against universalising ed systems + see modernist ed as oppressive to many students, espeically minority groups.
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Ted Robinson and Suli-Breaks - Postmodernists
The factory production line of mentality of education kills creativity.
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Sue Palmer - Postmodernist
Teaching to the test has resulted in schools being miserable and stressful for many pupils.
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Ideas Within Education Which Fit a Postmodernist Agenda
Home education, liberal forms of education, adult education, life long learning and education outside formal education.
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Adult Education (Usher, Bryant + Johnson - 1997) - Postmodernists
Ed for adults has been particuarly responsible to the need for greater choice + diversity as no single curriculum is assumed to be useful for all learners.
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Criticisms of The Postmodernist Perspective On Education
The budget for adult education has been cut, meaning that there is less classes available. They also ignore the way in which education may be shaped by big business' rather than by the needs + wishes of individual learners.
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Haralambos + Holborn (2013) - Criticisms of The Postmodernist Perspective On Education
They exaggerate changes in education as there is greater centralisation in some aspects of education, particuarly the national curriculum, rather than greater choice + diversity.
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Late Modernists - Criticisms of The Postmodernist Perspective On Education
They believe that we need school to promote tolerance of diversity.
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Neoliberals - Criticisms of The Postmodernist Perspective On Education
They believe that we need a competitive to drive up standards in order to be able to compete in a global free market.
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Marxists - Criticisms of The Postmodernist Perspective On Education
Home education would lead to greater inequality as not all parents have an equal ability, meaning that the MC will benefit more, where as WC will be even further behind.
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Criticism of Liberal Forms of Education (Postmodernists)
These forms of education may result in 'survival of the fittest'.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Liberal Feminist Perspective on Education
They see that girls now typically outperform boys within education + believe that the 'future is female'. They believe that education seems to only benefit girls, which has led to more women getting into politics + other high paying job roles.
Card 3
Radical Feminist Perspective on Education

Card 4
Criticisms of The Feminist Perspective on Education

Card 5
The New Right/ Neoliberal Perspective on Education

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