Peaceful Coexistence
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- Created by: Unoriginal_Username
- Created on: 07-05-15 16:31
In which speech did Churchill famously mention an "Iron Curtain"?
Sinews of Peace, 1946
1 of 55
When was the Warsaw Pact founded?
2 of 55
Where was the term "Peaceful Coexistence" first mentioned?
In Malenkov's 'New Course' policy
3 of 55
When was Khrushchev's "Secret Speech"?
4 of 55
How did Khrushchev reform agriculture and industry?
He ended forced collectivisation and changed industrial focus to consumer goods
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What was the KGB and what happened to it after Stalin's death?
The Soviet's Secret Police force, Khrushchev had them reformed
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Why were the Soviets intimidated by Eisenhower?
He had been an army general so he was capable at foreign policy
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What was the name of Eisenhower's foreign policy?
"New Look Policy"
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How much of the Soviet economy was geared towards defence?
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How many nuclear weapons did the USA have on 1950? And how many by 1955?
298, rose to 2422
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What was the name of the weapon that ended the US nuclear monopoly and when was it tested?
"First Lightning" 1949
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Finish the quote. Khrushchev: "There are only two ways-..."
"Either peaceful coexistence or the most destructive war in history."
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When was the Austrian State Treaty signed and what did it agree?
1955, agreed to neutralise Austria and remove all foreign troops
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What was significant about the Soviet withdrawal from Austria?
It was the first time they had willingly retreated since 1945
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What area of Finland did the Soviets occupy?
The Porkkala Peninsula
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When did the Soviets withdraw from Finland?
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When was the Geneva Conference and what did it achieve?
July 1954, agreed French troops would withdraw from Indochina and established Cambodia and Laos as independent states
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When was the Geneva Summit and what did it achieve?
July 1955, established a positive working relationship between the USA and the Soviet Union
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When was the Camp David Summit and what did it achieve?
September 1959, agreed to settle disputes peacefully and to full summit in 1960
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Why was Eisenhower more willing to negotiate at the Camp David Summit?
It was after Dulles' death
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Who was sacked by Truman during the Korean War and why?
General MacArthur, for suggesting they deploy nuclear weapons against the Chinese
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Where and when was the Armistice achieved in Korea?
On the 38th Parallel in July 1953
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How was the Red Army reduced in the early 1950's?
From 5.8 million to 3.7 million
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Why did the USA threaten China with nuclear weapons in 1955?
In response to them shelling the islands of Quemoy and Matsu
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Who did the CIA installed as the Shah of Iran?
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Where was the CIA coup against President Guzman?
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What military alliance did the USA form in 1954?
South-East Asia Treaty Organisation (SEATO)
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What two things happened to West Germany that unsettled the Soviet Union?
It was militarised and it joined NATO
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What two organisations were evidence that there was still a divide during "Peaceful Coexistence"?
The Warsaw Pact and NATO
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What was the name of the American theory that if Vietnam fell to Communism, the rest of South East Asia would follow suit?
Domino Theory
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The details of which of Eisenhower's policies were kept intentionally vague?
Massive Retaliation
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The policy of Containment was rejected in favour of what?
"Rolling back" on Communism
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What report rejected Containment and when was it published?
NS68, 1950
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What was the "Eisenhower Doctrine"?
To stop Communism intervention, particularly in the Middle East
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What was the name of the North Vietnamese leader?
Ho Chi Minh
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Who cancelled the free elections in South Vietnam?
Ngo Din Diem
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What policies did the Soviets propose at the Geneva Summit?
Neutralisation of Germany and the replacement of NATO and the Warsaw Pact with a collective security system
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What policies did the USA propose at the Geneva Summit?
Free elections in East Germany and "Open Skies Initiative"
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What two key issues were not settled at the Camp David Summit?
Germany and disarmament
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Why did the Paris Summit 1960 collapse?
Khrushchev stormed out over U-2 bomber incident
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Who was the last Stalinist leader in Poland and when did he die?
Beriut, February 1956
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Who did the Polish want to be their leader?
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What concessions did the Soviet Union give Poland for staying in the Warsaw Pact?
They installed Gomulka as the leader and devolved powers from Moscow
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Who did the Hungarian protestors want as their leader?
Imre Nagy
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In which Hungarian City was a giant statue of Stalin toppled?
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What three main policies was Imre Nagy pressured into supporting?
Multi-party elections, free press and withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact
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How did the Soviets justify sending tanks into Hungary?
They claimed they were "liberating" them from "Western Imperialism"
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How many Hungarian protesters were arrested and of these how many were executed?
35,000 arrested, 300 executed
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What made Hungary think the USA would support them in their revolution?
Moral support through "Radio Free Europe"
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In 1953, East Germany was run by which Stalinist hard-liner?
Walter Ulbricht
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Who in the Soviet power struggle advocated a unified Germany?
51 of 55
What were the East German protests primarily calling for?
Pay increases and free elections
52 of 55
How many East German protesters were there? Of these, how many were killed at the scene and how many were executed?
400,000 protesters, 40 killed at the scene, 400 executed
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When did Stalin die?
March 1953
54 of 55
When did Nikita Khrushchev officially come to power?
55 of 55
Other cards in this set
Card 2
When was the Warsaw Pact founded?
Card 3
Where was the term "Peaceful Coexistence" first mentioned?

Card 4
When was Khrushchev's "Secret Speech"?

Card 5
How did Khrushchev reform agriculture and industry?

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