Pe Revision
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- Created by: Emilie
- Created on: 18-04-13 20:29
The 6skill related fitness
Balance, co-ordination, agility, power, speed, Reaction time
1 of 40
The 5 health related fitness
body mass, flexibility, muscular endurance, musclular strength, cardiovascular
2 of 40
Methods of traning
fartlek, interval, wieghts, curcuit, cross, continous
3 of 40
Frequency, intensity, time, type
4 of 40
R.I.P.S +R
Rest/Recovery, individual needs, progressive overload, specificity, reversablity
5 of 40
Anerobic/ Aerobic Exercise
Exerciseing when the heart isnt supplying enough oxygen to the muscles/Exerciesing when the heart is supplying enough oxygen to the muscles.
6 of 40
Definition of co-ordination and what related fitness is it.
The ability to use to or more parts of the body at the smae time- Skill related fitness
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Definition of body composition ans what related fitness it is.
The percentage of body weight fat, muscles, or bone- heath realted fitness
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Definition of muscualr strength and what related fitness it is
The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance- Health related fitness.
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definiton of speed and what related fitness it is.
The rate in which you can perform a movement- Skill related fitness
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Defintion of power ans what related fitness it is.
The ability to use strength at speed -skill related fitness
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strength times speed
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The definition of flexibility and what related fitness is it.
The range of movement in a joint- Health realted
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The defintiton of Reation time and what related fitness it is.
The time between the stimulus and the onset of the movement- Skill related fitness
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Definition of cardiovascular fitness and what related fitness it is.
The ability to exercise the entire body for a long period of time- Health related firness
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Definition of balance and what related fitness it is.
The ability to retain centre of mass- skill related fitness
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The definiton of muscular endurance and what related fittness it is.
The ability to use a muscle many times withoutit getting tired- health related fitness.
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The definiton of Agility and what related fitness it is.
The ability to change body position quickly with control
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What are the 6 training methods
fartlek, interval, weights, curcuit, cross, continous
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definition of fartlek
Training which involves vary of speed involves aerobic and anaerobic exercise
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Definition of weight training
Using weights to provide restistance to the muscles
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Definition of interval training
Periods of hard work with rests inbetween them.
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Defition of curcuit training
Involves series of exercises in an order.
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Definiton of cross training
Involves using another sport to improve you fitness
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Definiton of continous training
Involves working hard for a sustained period of time.
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Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
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Definition of frequency
How often you train
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Definiton of intensity
How hard you train
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Definition of Time
How long you train for
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Definiton of type
What training methods
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Rest/Recovery, Individual needs, Progressive overload, Specificity, Reversibilty
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Definition of Rest/recovery
The period of time you use to recover
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Definition of Individual needs
Matching training to the requirment of an individual
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Definiton of Progressive overload
To gradually increase intensity of exercise to gain fitness without risk of injury
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Definition of specificity
To match training to the acivity you are doing
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This is when fitness is lost due to injury or illness
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Benefits of exercise
'feel good factor', stress relief, increases confindence, competition, increase fittness,meet new people,
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Definition of health
A state of complete mental, phsical and social well being and not merely the absense of disease and infirmity'
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Definition of Exercise
A form of phsical activity which either maintains or improves health and fitness
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Definiiton of fitness
the ability to meet the demands of the enviroment
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
body mass, flexibility, muscular endurance, musclular strength, cardiovascular
The 5 health related fitness
Card 3
fartlek, interval, wieghts, curcuit, cross, continous

Card 4
Frequency, intensity, time, type

Card 5
Rest/Recovery, individual needs, progressive overload, specificity, reversablity

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