Part Practice is used on low organisatoinal skills which can be broken down into seperate sub-routines. A certain sub-routine is the isolated in order to perfect that specific sub routine. it is useful for Low organisational, closed and serial skills
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What are the advantages of Part practice?
-Reduces the possibility of information overload -It is good if the task is complex or dangerous -Increases motivation with success in 'parts'
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What are the disadvantages of Part practice?
-Must see the whole skill demonstrated prior to practice. - Takes longer to do than other methods. -Can lose overall kinaesthesis feel of the skill.
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What are the four methods of manipulating skills practice?
Part practice, Whole practice, Whole-Part-Whole, Part Pregressive
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What is Whole Practice?
Whole practice encompasses high organisational skills as they are hard to break into subroutines, therefore are taught as a whole. This practice is often used on high organisational and simple skills.
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What are the advantages of Whole practice?
-Allows the learner to learn the kinaethesis of the skill. -Good for ballistic skills. -Very quick method of practice.
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What are the disadvantages of Whole practice?
-Not good for complex skills and dangerous activities.
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What is Whole-Part-Whole practice?
This invlves practising the whole skill, then isolating a sub-routine in the skill, followed by practising the whole skill again. This is often used for low organisational skills and serial skills.
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What are the advantages of Whole-Part-Whole practice?
-Learner can develop the kinaesthesis for the skill. -Coach can quickly identify areas of weakness -Area of weakness can be isolated and praticed. -Its a quick method -Allows for rapid improvements. -Good for confidence building
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What are the disadvantages of Whole-Part-Whole practice?
-Not suitable for high organisational skills. -Not to be used for dangerous activities.
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What is the Part-Progressive practice method?
Part-Progressive practice teaches parts of the skill in isolation, before linking them together and finallly combining all the parts into the whole skill. e.g. A, B, AB, C, ABC. This is used with low organisational skills that are complex.
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What are the advantages of Part-Progressive practice?
-Excellent for complex serial skills. -Good for dangerous activities -Reduces information load. -Helps the flow of the skill. -Helps the transfer of skills into the whole (chaining)
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What are the disadvantages of Part-Progressive practice?
-Can take longer then other methods of practice.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the advantages of Part practice?
-Reduces the possibility of information overload -It is good if the task is complex or dangerous -Increases motivation with success in 'parts'
Card 3
What are the disadvantages of Part practice?
Card 4
What are the four methods of manipulating skills practice?
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