PE gcse edexel includes mixed questions on all topics. 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Physical EducationGCSEEdexcel Created by: Gaby FieldingCreated on: 12-05-13 11:54 two key influences with people are family and role models what is the third one? peers 1 of 9 what does sport England work towards? create a community sport system 2 of 9 what is the definition of fitness? the ability to meet the demands of the enviroment 3 of 9 define the term muscular endurance? the ability to use voluntary muscles many times without tyring 4 of 9 what is a PAR-Q? physical active readiness questionnaire 5 of 9 what is the component of fitness for the sargent jump test? power 6 of 9 what does the S stand for in the SMART principle? specific 7 of 9 fartlek training features are...? variations in pace and/or terrain covered 8 of 9 the 3 main types of macronutrients are? carbohydrates, fats and proteins 9 of 9
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