PE crossword 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationAcross all ASASAQA Created by: robynlaffertyCreated on: 15-04-15 09:49 Manipulating behavior to shape the correct response through the use of reinforcement OPERANTCONDITIONING 1 of 6 The skill used for selecting, interpreting and making sense of the information from our senses PERCEPTUAL 2 of 6 Inherited, innate, stable traits that determine a person's potential to aquire skills ABILITY 3 of 6 Fun, spontaneous, negotiated rules are all characteristics of what PLAY 4 of 6 The styloe of teaching where the teacher makes all the decisions, no input from the learner, no alternatives considered COMMAND 5 of 6 The type of practice when the performer practices for the whole of the time available, with no breaks MASSED 6 of 6
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