PE Body 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationSkeletal system - bones and jointsGCSEAQA Created by: Jwockwell99Created on: 11-05-16 20:34 What function is a part of the skeletal system? Protection 1 of 21 What function is a part of the skeletal system? Blood production 2 of 21 What type of bone is the metatarsals? Short bone 3 of 21 What type of bone is the pelvis? Flat bone 4 of 21 What bone is a irregular bone? Patella 5 of 21 What bone is a Long bone? Tibia 6 of 21 What is a cartilage? Tough tissue, Lubrication so that bones don't rub together. 7 of 21 What is a ligament? Attaches bone to bone to stabilize joints. 8 of 21 What is a tendon? Connects a muscle to the bone. 9 of 21 What is a joint? Where 2 bones meet. 10 of 21 What is a Hinge joint? Elbow 11 of 21 What is a ball and socket joint? Shoulder 12 of 21 What is a pivot joint? Wrist 13 of 21 What is a Saddle joint? The thumb 14 of 21 What is a condyloid joint? Short bones in wrsit 15 of 21 What is a gliding joint? Hands 16 of 21 What is flexion? The angle of a joint decreases, when bending the leg. 17 of 21 What is Extension? The angle of a joint increase, e,g. Straightening the leg. 18 of 21 What is Adduction? Movement towards the body, e.g. legs coming together. 19 of 21 The movement away from the body is known as... Abduction 20 of 21 When the limb moves in a circular motion is... Rotation 21 of 21
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